Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday Five

Happy Friday!

Today I am preparing my house to host a Minecraft Day tomorrow.  This means four people with computers will take over my livingroom/kitchen to play minecraft all day.  They'll have fun but it will be loud, so I'm thinking of a place of escape!

1. Did I ever show you the necklace Emma made me?  All my grands names in order, but I'll have to get a bigger one in June, when Nate and Kay's baby arrives!

2. I bought this darling mailbox before Christmas at Hobby Lobby.  It was 50% off!  I've been wanting a cute mail box for year now.  I just need to decide if I'm going to hang it inside or use it outside the house in some way!

3. I bought this cute pillow with black and white buffalo check on it before Thanksgiving and I'm still using it.  Its always in season to be Thankful, right?

 4. Happy Accident - This crate was returned after being used for a wedding, and when Kyle and I cleared the deck this week, I stuck the lanterns on the crate.  I actually like the way they look there and just might keep it for a while, though I did put that handle down!

5. Yesterday at Christmas Tree Shops I found these string lights in the clearance section.  They are normally $9.99 a package!  I bought three!  There are 10 lights per string.  I know right where I am planning to use them, and I'll show you next week!

Happy Weekend!


Cheryl said...

I love your necklace!! You could end up with a very long pendant as the years go by. :)

Aren't "happy accidents" fun?! The crate and lanterns look great together. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your lights. (Christmas Tree Shops is such a great place!)

Estelle's said...

What pretty, pretty things you have today them all!

Vee said...

Oh, all your treasures are great, but that necklace is wonderful. Have I already forgotten that a new baby is on the way? My short-term memory is shot and so is my short-term memory. 🥴

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you, Betsy!

Theresa said...

Happy Weekend to you too! Love those string lights and can't wait to see what you do with them:) The pillow is perfect, love the black and white all year and YES Thankful is always what we need to be. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...