Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Thinking Through Potential Changes

A new year has come, and one thing is for certain; I'm no longer 30 years old! (grin)

I guess because I had Kyle at 42 and am still raising young adults, its easy for me to go along as though nothing has changed in life.  But Kyle is beginning to tower over me, and my oldest will be 30 this year, so let's just say I'm feeling my age.

This leads me to thinking through potential changes in my home to make caring for my home easier both now and in the future.  Today I am thinking about this huge shelf that is over the stairway to the basement.

To decorate this shelf, you have to stand on the long counter and lean over the open stairway to the basement.  I can't do this anymore, so I have to have one of the kids help me, even to dust so that doesn't happen much.  Kyle being 13 is still here most of the time, but in a few years he'll start working, and by then Sarah will be away at school, and the job will fall to me again.

So, what to do? 

  I could leave it and maybe have my granddaughter come over and help me, schedule a time for Kyle to help.

I could take the shelf down and put some kind of wood up such as board and batten, shiplap, or beadboard.  But then do I leave it without anything on it?

I've I did beadboard, I could do a huge mirror in this space, perhaps.  I'll have to spend some time on Pinterest and see if I can find some inspiration.

What would you do with this space?

Let's chat in the comments.


Theresa said...

Hmmmm, changes are good sometimes:) I would search Pinterest for ideas. A mirror sounds nice:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Linda said...

I know you will come up with something amazing!

Sylvia said...

I like those last ideas. I would do something that I wouldn't need to maintain.

Vee said...

I would take it down because leaning for anyone over an open stairway could be dangerous. Reminds me of the time I was doing exercises at the top of the stairs using the cellar door. John gently suggested that I use one of the closest doors instead as I’d not have so far to fall. 🤓 You could have some signage there or leave it plain so all you’d have to do is use an extension wand for dusting. No maintainence is the way to go, especially over those stairs.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I like the idea of a nice mirror, too.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, so we’ll see what I decide. My partner in projects, Tim, moves and thinks about these things in a slower way than I do, and he’s enormously busy with work, so when it’ll get done is unknown.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yeah, it’s time for a change! It has served us well over the years though!

Mrs.T said...

I'm with Vee -- Take down the shelf. A large sign, or an assortment of smaller ones, might look nice in that space. I wouldn't use a mirror, I don't think. But your decorating talent is far more developed than mine, so I know whatever you come up with will be lovely.

podso said...

I think a mirror would be nice. Definitely something you don't have to maintain or lean over to work on. Find a nice old would be a fun project!

Cheryl said...

Your shelf always looks so lovely and charming and seasonal, but I agree with you that it's time for a change. When something becomes more of a burden (or a danger!) than a joy . . . Plan B! I love the idea of beadboard (then you'd not be sacrificing charm!). You could hang a large mirror, or make a gallery wall, or hang some colorful antique or reproduction signs, or a combination! I am confident that you'll make it look beautiful and it will fit your style!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your very kind, Mrs. T! I am ready for a change!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm liking the idea of the mirror, more and more, and perhaps making it part of a gallery wall.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm really liking the idea of beadboard too, and a gallery wall would be a good idea. I'm still thinking about it all, so if you come across any photos of inspiration, send them my way!

Kim said...

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about making as much as I can in my life, simple. So I get it. I don't love climbing on counters and ladders to decorate anymore either. I say if you can add something like a mirror or gallery wall that doesn't need too much tending that would be ideal. Can't wait to see what you settle on...

Lorrie said...

The mirror idea sounds good. Taking the time to think about things before doing them usually results in success. You'll figure it out!

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