January is National Hot Tea month. It seems like a good month to promote the drinking of hot tea. I know I've been drinking a lot more hot tea this month.
I drink mostly Irish tea, Barry's or Lyon's, as I like a good robust black tea for day to day.

I have branched out in trying new teas, especially flavored teas, in the last few years. I like chai, I like Earl Grey and Lady Grey. I like Paris tea
But I also like

When we go to tea, I will often try a house blend, or a specialty tea.
My sister in law bought me

when they were in England last year. It is delicious, and the tin is beautiful!
Good thing I have a lot of tea cups to choose from...
Happy Hot Tea Month! What's in your cup?
My new favorite is Vanilla Almond by Republic of Tea. You know I'm a coffee girl, but I can't get enough of this tea! We've gone through two tins of it (50 bags each!) and the tin is empty again.
Love, love, love your "signature cabinet" with all the pretty tea things!!
My favorite is Stash Chai Spice black tea. It smells like Christmas to me, but I love drinking it all winter long!
Lapsang is our favourite.
Coffee in the morning. Bracing cup of Earl Grey in the afternoon...getting to be that time...and Chamomile tea in the evening. Most days.
I love your teacup collection...all the heart eyes. {{smiles}} My favorite teas would most definitely be fruity herbal teas...and the one I love most at the moment is a cranberry tea by Harney and Sons. It is sweet and a bit tart and so warm and comforting. Not to mention it smells blissful. ♥
Stash - Spice Dragon Red Chai.....wonderful cinnamon taste
Constant Comment is my all time favorite but I drink just about all tea - except I am not fond of chai or apple. I recently bought some Lipton Watermelon-Strawberry and Lipton Mango. Most of my tea is ice tea....I drink a pitcher full every day. For a good cup of hot tea - you can't go wrong with Earl Grey......
Love seeing all your pretty tea cups.....
Wow! I love those shelves full of teacups! I Unfortunately, I can't appreciate tea no matter how hard I try.😔
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