Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 24, 2019

New Friendships

As regular readers now, last spring after 10 years at our church, we made the difficult decision to leave.  I haven't spoken about it much, and I won't, but we needed to make a change for our children's sake.  There are no families left at our former church.  

We started visiting churches and settled in at one for a few months, that we really liked, but it was a bit of a drive and most of the members lived in a neighboring state.  Yes, Maryland.  So we realized we were going to have to look for a church closer to home, where we could be a part of the church community.

We started attending a church that friends of ours have been a part of for years.  In fact, they've moved farther away, but still drive down for church.

We really like it.  It's warm and welcoming.  People have been friendly, the pastor took us to breakfast, a couple reached out and invited us to their small group.  A lady I met two weeks ago, emailed me this week, and invited me to a lunch at her house that she's hosting for friends.

Its been a balm for my heart, I must say.  

I'm used to being the one inviting and hosting, so it feels different to be on the guest end, but I am delighted and pleased.

Last night we went to small group, and it was really nice.  We studied chapter two in Ephesians, focusing on verses 11-22.

It's so great to be reminded that Jesus through His death, tore down the wall of separation - that kept us from being in God's family.  I'm so grateful for this truth!

It takes time to build relationships, but we've made a start, and I am grateful for that, too!


Vee said...

It can certainly be a challenge to be the newcomers. It changes how you function for a season. One can’t be a hostess for a while, but I know that you will be serving in that role again for your church family. In the meantime, how lovely to be on the receiving end. I wish you well in your new church home.

Theresa said...

It's hard to change but necessary sometimes. It sounds like the move has been good for you! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Mrs.T said...

So encouraging, Deanna! Sounds warm and welcoming indeed.

Sandi said...

This is very encouraging! There are good places out there.

Debby Ray said...

Our church of 26 years has gone through many changes over the years...different pastors and congregations. Out of many families that we have known from our time there...even the so-called "founding fathers", we are one of about 4 or 5 families that have stayed. Today we are small but I have no doubt that God a purpose behind what was happening...He has a way of working all things together. Finding a new place of worship can be a challenge, one that we will have to endure if we ever make it to Tennessee. May God bless you as you get comfortable with your new church family!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

As many have already said, it is a challenging time to move to a new church. Our family has had to do the same thing many times. But as you know, God has His reasons for the change and will be with us every step of the way if we call on Him. It sounds as though some very nice people have already reached out to you! Best, Carrie ♥♥♥

Carol said...

Changing churches can be very difficult but at times it is necessary. I pray that you will enjoy where you are and that you will make new friends.

Rebecca said...

I can relate....happy you are enjoying your new friends, fellowship around the Word, and being on the receiving end for awhile. ❤️

Buttercup said...

I'm very fortunate. I joined the congregation around the corner and 28 years later I still belong. It's changed a lot. I like some of the changes a lot, and others not so much. It's grown to be 3,000+ members and that's my least favorite thing. But I still feel that is where I'm supposed to be and I am grateful.

Kim said...

What a wonderful blessing!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...