Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Five

 Happy Friday, Friends! 

The first three photos were taken this morning. I'm not completely happy yet with the set up on this fireplace top, but the pothos is thriving there and I love my Aria diffuser from Young Living, and my pretty Tiffany style lamp!

Wednesday evening Tim and I went out to dinner. It was nice to enjoy a small local restaurant that only recently opened up for indoor seating. We love supporting small businesses!  On the way home we caught this beautiful sunset!

The last photo I want to leave you with is this adorable photo of Prince Louis for his third birthday.  It was taken by his mother, the Duchess of Cambridge. He looks happy and outgoing and fun. He was on his way to his first day of nursery school.

I don't think he rode his little bike! (smile) My grandson who is almost three has a similar bike, notice there are no pedals. He can get it going super fast with his feet and it helped him learn balance by not ever having 'training wheels.'  You can add pedals to these bikes if I remember correctly.

Here is a video from a few weeks ago of Clark riding down a grassy hill at my son in laws' uncle and aunts' house.

Can you believe he's not three yet?!  

For the weekend I'd like to leave you with these thoughts - 

Remember that we are in a spiritual battle, and that the enemy of our souls wants us to think and feel that we are defeated. But oh friends, we are not! Jesus already defeated our enemy through his sacrifice and resurrection!

Let's remember that. I, more and more often, have to pace my intake of news (and I do not source my news from the msm!). I have to be in the Word, listen to uplifting things, and pray!

So this weekend, let's commit to getting some fresh air and vitamin D, have some uplifting interactions, listen to good music, and remind ourselves that God is in control.

Happy Weekend!


16 blessings'mom said...

Yes it is indeed a spiritual battle, and Jesus beckons us to follow Him in it. My son had a huge issue this morning with his debit card, a serious trial for him, he texted me and said, "It's a good thing we talked about Romans 8:28 I have to believe it and practice it!" (All things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose..."). It is a good fight, it frees us from the weight, the heaviness of sin, we are NOT debtors to the flesh! Thank you for your good outlook, and encouragement!!!! (I feel sorry for people who watch mainstream news 24/7, oh the fear mongering!). My grandson has a balance bike like that, what an amazing invention! He can go "speedy fast"!

Vee said...

Wow! Your little grandson has superior balance and no fear!

Yes, have a lovely weekend. We have so much to be grateful for and to look forward to.

sharon said...

I don't watch news at all , I try not to take in anything that people tell me that they hear on the news. I try to read uplifting books etc.
But I can feel the heaviness of the spiritual battle sometime. Especially if I wake up during the night. I just talk myself of the cliff by remembering gods promises. Thankfully
That brings me peace. Spending time with children helps to lift our spirits also. When I babysit for my 8 month old granddaughter it helps my heart. She finds everything
So funny. Laughs deep belly laughs. ❤️

Samuel & Lois said...

Your grandson is AMAZING!! I really appreciate your thoughts and always look forward to your posts. :-)

Kim said...

Great advice! Just came from the beach, it was lovely and warm and smelled like salt. The waves and birds were our music, our favorite...enjoy your fresh air!

Theresa said...

I have been doing some rearranging at my house, just moving things around. Little ones learn quickly and are not scared of falling, not like us older people:) I limit my news too, it feels good doesn't it. Beautiful sunset! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Susan Zarzycki said...

A great post of home and family! I think many of us are disheartened by the news these days. The future of our country under this administration frightens me and I don't frighten easily! However, I keep telling myself that God IS in control and he has a plan. Thankfully we do have a way of coping. I read the Bible every night to my 94 year old Mother before having prayer. I highly recommend it as an anxiety reducer.💖

Susan Zarzycki said...

Great post of home and family! Thanks for sharing.💖

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