Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Seasons of Life


My house was pretty quiet yesterday. Tim was on a road trip to take Sarah and her roommate back to school, so it was just Kyle and I. I must admit many days it is quiet, anyway. Tim works away from home, and Kyle does homeschool, but is not a big talker generally.

I remember the days when there were lots of little people growing up in our home, and there was chatter, bickering, laughing, and talking going at all times!  It was fun, if not noisy and many days I chased them outside to play!

They grew up here on four acres, with a creek to play in and some woods to 'explore.' 

Some days the house is too quiet. On those days I turn on Audible and listen to a book while I do my puttering around the house. I also love to listen to podcasts.

I also like to use the Marco Polo app to talk to my daughter and grands in Tennessee, and I FaceTime with my mom. 

There are weeks when I am busy and am happy for the quiet days.

We are trying to reach out to people in our church, and invite them to come for lunch on Sundays. That gives me work to do during the week with planning the meal, cleaning, thinking through the table setting.

With the weather getting nice, I am wanting to get my outdoor 'patio' space fixed up. It'll be nice to sit outside for meals and watch kids run around enjoying the creek and the pasture.

Our lives are made up of seasons; our youth, our young adulthood, middle age, old age. We must be able to change and adapt to the different needs, and differing desires of each life season.

I'm not pining for the days with my house full of kids. I LOVED that season, but I love the season I am in, too. I'm able to do different things than I could do in those days. I'm able to walk alongside younger women and encourage them. All good things.

I'm also freer to be a companion and friend to my own parents. When I had a houseful of kids, I wasn't as free to spend time with them and so usually the kids got to go and have one on one time with them. That was good, but it's good to walk alongside my parents and enjoy time with them.

I'm feeling philosophical this morning, I guess, but I do think it's good to evaluate our lives and where we are at in them. One thing I know for certain. God is good in every stage of our lives.


Ruth said...

Your post today is so true. I grew up in an rural area and family oriented lifestyle such as you post about. Your blog brings much memories and fond feelings. I'm at the season of life where its just myself and husband. I thoroughly enjoy the quiet times as well as the occasional noisy visits from my children and grands.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Always good to take time to evaluate the seasons and times we are in. I look back at past seasons with much gratitude, but I don't long to go back there. It's lovely to remember and then to come back into the present, where my life is right now. I love the times I spend with my Mom and am looking forward to being able to visit her in person soon. Wishing you a lovely day, Deanne. xo

GrammaGrits said...

Love this post. Soon celebrating our 50th anniversary and enjoying kids, grands and soon the first grandchild wedding! So true about enjoying the season we're in. God is good!

Linda said...

I have long thought of life as seasons......the spring and summer seasons being the busiest. I have enjoyed a very long fall and am now firmly in the winter season. God saved the best of my life for the last of my life and I am grateful.

Cheryl said...

Yes, God is good in every stage! I do sometimes long for the days of homeschooling (I miss it!), but like you, I find that there are good things to be had and to be learned in every season of life. There are different ways to serve! I like that you are reaching out to others and inviting them in.

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