Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Prayer Request


The day after Emma arrived, her youngest had a tummy issue overnight and then a day or so where he just was worn out.  This morning her other son, has started with something similar. 

Would you please pray that this would be short lived for her middle child, and that none of the rest of us would get it?  She heard from a friend back home that several of the kids in their friends group have had issues.

Emma and her kids leave Friday, with Tim, for home. We'd love for the rest of the visit to be happy and not filled with sickness.



Ruth said...

Praying for you lovely family.

Cheryl said...

Praying with you now . . .

Vee said...

Yes, praying. So sorry that the little ones are under the weather and praying for a quick recovery.

Buttercup said...

Praying for everyone to stay well.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Are the little ones feeling better at last? I do hope and pray so.

Information Friday

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