Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 19, 2021



I want to tell you all how much I appreciate your kind and encouraging words in the comments. One of my love languages is words of affirmation, so it really does my heart good to hear it! Thank you.

This weekend was fun, filled with home things and family. Oh, and lilacs! They're in bloom!

On Friday, Tim and I took the mower out to my parents and he mowed, and edged their yard. With the zero turn mower we had it took him only about a half an hour to mow and edge, and blow the grass cuttings back into the grass!

Then we got some take out dinner and played Rummykub (rummy cube) for a few hours!

Saturday we did some home things. We ended up rotating our bed, and gave the underneath a deep cleaning.  With a California King bed you don't just move the bed to vacuum underneath very often, so it was needed! Lots of dust!

Yesterday afternoon, Rachel, Kayleigh and I all attended my niece Jen's bridal shower.  Jen is a sweet heart and has worked as a missionary in several countries in Africa. God brought the love of her life to her on the continent that she has spent most of her life living on! Tim's brother and his wife both grew up in African countries, and have spent most of their adult lives there as well. Jen was a baby when she went to West Africa. She speaks FIVE languages fluently! She's an amazing woman. She'll be getting married in Africa this summer, so it was special to be able to celebrate her upcoming marriage. We also got to watch the video of her engagement, Western and African styles. That was fun.

I hope your weekend was good, too!

I have two prayer requests. The first is for my brother's mother in law. I've known her nearly my whole life. At 90 she's been doing well, a bit underweight, but other wise okay. Yesterday, her blood pressure was low, so her daughter Beth took her to the ER. They found she was anemic and has some internal bleeding. She'd been taking some Ibuprofen for shoulder pain, so that could be a part of the bleeding, but they'll be doing endoscopy today to see if they can find the source of the bleeding.  One light hearted thing is that the only bed they could find for her was on the pediatrics floor! She's the oldest patient on that floor! (grin)  Please pray that they find the source, and that it is not anything that can't be easily dealt with.

The second is I can't find my van key that has the fob on it. I used it Friday. When I pulled the key out of the ignition I would have put it either in my purse, or my jean jacket pocket, but primarily once home it would be in my purse. It's not either place. We've looked, and can't find it. I know its a small thing, but prayers for it to be found would be appreciated!


Vee said...

There is nothing much worse than losing the car key...with the fob. Praying. How fun for your brother's mother-in-law to be on the pediatric ward. Praying that she is feeling much better very soon.

Sounds as if you had a very productive weekend. I am certainly not surprised that your niece has found her true love where she lives. Will they be going into ministry together?

Theresa said...

Sounds like a great weekend, the lilacs are gorgeous. I will pray for your requests, nothing is too small or too big that prayer can't help. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Linda said...

Prayers for both of your requests.....
I love hearing about your days....

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...