Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 5, 2021


 We had a lovely weekend.  Actually, the whole week of Sarah's Easter break was wonderful.

The girls did some needed shopping, watched the Colin Firth/Jennifer Ehle version of Pride and Prejudice, had lunch with friends, watched Wives and Daughters. We were able to get tickets through friends to see Esther at Sight and Sound (highly recommend this show!).

Sunday we had a good worship service, came home to have a delicious meal with the family.  Our pastor mentioned Psalm 116:15                  

                        Precious in the sight of the Lord

                             is the death of his saints.

He mentioned that unless we believe this with our whole hearts, we will always live in fear. But because of the resurrection, God's saints don't have to fear death. We don't have to fear death by coronavirus, or by any other means. 

I actually set two table this year. It turned out to be a good thing. We were less crowded at the table, but still together.

The grands had an egg hunt that their grandpa, dad, and two uncles made possible by hiding 122 eggs that had been filled by my mom and I.

The day was warm and sunny and we sat outside watching them hunt for the eggs. In the end, I think there are four eggs that were not found!  Kyle says he'll probably find them when we mows!

We loved having Nicole with us this week. What fun it was to have girls in my home again! 

This was the family who gathered for the meal. Emma and her family celebrated with her in laws in Tennessee, Lindsay and Joseph had other plans for the day.

We later had a visit from our friend Denny, and from Tim's brother and our sister in law.

It was lovely to be together, remembering the resurrection and Christ's payment for our sin. 

I hope you all had a lovely day, too!


Estelle's said...

Oh how I love the children's egg hunt! Looks like a marvelous day with church service, family and sunshine!

Terra said...

What a nice family you have, and great to gather at Easter. You sure hid a lot of eggs for the littles to find. My adult sons went to a happy Easter service in church with me and then came over for our Easter feast. This is the third week our church is open for indoor services, and we have a new young lead pastor and he and the rock/praise band and congregation were all energized to meet in person and worship our heavenly father.

Kim said...

It looks like a lovely day and lovely way to celebrate!

Sandy said...

It is always good when we have our family around that table. I like the verse and the message from your pastor. I often wonder how anyone gets through the death of a close family member without the hope of Heaven.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a lovely weekend you had. Oh my, that was a pile of Easter eggs. I'm sure the guys had fun hiding them. So colourful and I'm sure a real delight to spot in the grasses and hidden places. What a lovely family photo. So good that you could be together with loved ones. Hope you have a great week.

Linda said...

I love seeing the way you celebrate with your family!

Vee said...

What a great family photo! How did the photographer get everyone smiling so sweetly?

Information Friday

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