Creekside Cottage

Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 18, 2024

Information Friday!


Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere!

I truly wondered what to share this week. Trump is everywhere. Kamala was on lots of podcasts and shows like the view and still didn't do very well communicating why she should be president.

She did an interview with Bret Baier of Fox News and he pushed her for answers, and didn't just let her get away with Trump, Trump, Trump. It didn't go well for her.

Bill Clinton seems nervous, too. Check out this weirdness while on the campaign trail.

So many are saying Trump is going to "put us in camps," "he's going to arrest us," and the like. Trump is not going to punish people because of things they've done to him. If these people are punished it will be for real crimes against humanity, treasonous acts. Not personal punishment. The Court didn't rule that a president could do that, or Biden would already have Trump in prison. He's trying, he talked about it this week.

This is interesting. Why would British politicians come campaign for Kamala? I hope they come to my door. I'd love to chat with them.

North Carolina has begun to vote.

So has Georgia.

The left will do anything to try to keep Trump out of office. They may even throw him in jail. They are desperate to hold onto their power that they have been amassing against the people.

I'd like to end tonight with two videos. One is of the EMT who treated Trump at the hospital in Butler, and the last one is from a dinner tonight that Trump attended that supports Catholic charities. The candidates are typically both there to roast each other. Harris chose to not attend.

I hope you have a great weekend. Keep praying, vote, and trust God!

My weekend post on Monday will be delayed until Tuesday this week. We are doing a foliage train ride on Monday in the Poconos! I hope to get lots of lovely photos!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Weekend - Annual Fall Fest

 What a lovely weekend we had!

I went to tea on Friday, with my mom, my friend Jen, and Jen's mother in law, who is also my friend, Ruth. Ruth lives about four hours away, and whenever she's in town, we go to tea.

We spent part of Saturday, preparing for our Annual Fall Fest which was on Sunday. 

We cleared the garage and put tables in there for food, and all the drinks, coffee, cider, water. I had ordered paper products, and worried we'd run out but it was enough! Whew!

The highlight of every Fall Fest are Tim's hayrides. 

My favorite is getting to visit with so many dear friends who we don't see regularly because of busy schedules.

These dear ones, are newer friends, but becoming good friends to us!

I was bummed that I didn't get photos earlier in the afternoon, but I loved sitting out by the fire with the moon rising.

It was a beautiful day.

I hope your weekend was wonderful, too!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Information Friday

 We saw the beautiful northern lights tonight! It was incredible! So thankful to experience this amazing act of nature!

I'm having some issues getting larger video files to upload (having an email problem), so I will end up posting without them tonight.

This week, I've been paying attention to the aftermath of Helene and then Hurricane Milton. We have a decent amount of family and friends that were in Milton's path, though most were in the middle of the state and closer to the east coast. Our dear friends Rick and Jane said they lost power, which they expected. So they had prepared their camping trailer and it's running on propane and they can use the bathroom I think, and for sure the refrigerator.

It's heartbreaking all the loss of property and life due to these two hurricanes. Some people are convinced that they manipulated the weather.

We prayed that God would cause the storm to not be so damaging, even to cause the storm to disappear. It did do that as it came on land as a Cat3, and the eyewall dissipated! 

Trump is in it to win it!

Keep praying for the safety of everyone, pray for the recovery efforts. I read today that a lot of retired special ops guys are on the ground recovering bodies. It's been 13 days. The smells must be horrific. Pray that people would turn to God. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Autumn Weekend

 I potted up some mums last week. 

It felt good to clear the pots of summer annuals and put the mums in the garden. Two of these are on the deck and the rest are in the front garden.

Autumn to me is a time of clearing away and preparing for what's to come. It's always a cozy and reflective time. 

Since last autumn, my dad had been in the hospital for a month, the addition was finished, Christmas and New Years came. At the end of January Kyle had his accident. There were a few things with my mom's health that all turned out to be just fine, but were concerning for a time. Tim's business has been so busy, which is a very good thing. I'm homeschooling the grands, still. Dad had surgery recently for a heart valve replacement.

It's been a lot to walk through and I am thankful for our cozy haven, and of course, the Lord who has sheltered us all in his loving arms.

I wanted to show you some photos of our burning bushes, as they have started to change color but the trees are still very green.

This is actually two burning bushes. They used to be at the end of our chicken run, but now my parents windows look out on them!

After we host our fall fest next Sunday, we will be seeding this area with fall grass seed.

It was a beautiful autumn day, very relaxing for me. Tim did a repair on Sarah's car, but is so pleased to have been able to do it.

This smaller burning bush is lovely, too.

We are praying for all the suffering and heartache of Helene, while praying about the new one on the way to Florida. 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Information Friday

 Well, yesterday was my birthday, and I am grateful for another year of life. I had such a fun day, co-op in the afternoon and then a party in the evening. We had mostly family, but a few friends joined us as well.

Thankfully, Rachel inherited the party planner gene from me! I got home to the decor, and food being prepared! 


We bought a bunch of different kinds of finger foods from Costco to have for dinner, and we had a cake and ice cream for dessert! I think we may make it through a the weekend without cooking!

Now for the news.

Many people in Appalachia say that FEMA is no where to be seen nor is the Red Cross. Rachel from Here Are The Headlines breaks down a shocking story of how the admin has changed FEMA.

Some of those lies? Read On!

This is great news!

Julian Assange spoke this week and gave testimony that the C*A director tried to have him assassinated while in London. Then they imprisoned him with the UK's help.

The P. Diddy case is going to shock everyone.

This is good. More and more states are doing this. Only legal citizens should vote!

You can't make this stuff up, friends!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Like the Girl Named Blake said, take time to step back from so much information, pray, enjoy your family, eating well, play games, etc.

We have a month left to go and it is going to be a crazy one I think!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...