I bought a premium starter kit with Young Living. My daughter Emma has been using Young Living for a while now and I've ordered some products through her, such as the laundry detergent, Thieves cleaner, and a few oils.
I like the products, and knowing that they are toxin free. I hesitated for a while before joining because many of the products are priced above what we would have budgeted to spend on certain items.
However, most of the cleaning products are highly concentrated, so you use the bottle to make many bottles of laundry detergent or cleaner. I've been using the Thieves cleaner for several months now, and keep a spray bottle on my counter. I have yet, to make a new bottle, and I use it to clean everything from my counters to appliances to windows. It cuts the grease on my stove, and cleans windows without streaks. I've recently placed a spray bottle in both of the bathrooms for quick and easy cleaning. I also use a few capfuls in hot water and clean my pine floors.
Tim has been interested in supplements since reading in our Samaritan Ministries newsletter that there are now some vitamins and minerals that you need for your health but they can no longer be obtained by the foods we eat. And as we are both in our 50's we are wanting to eat and live in a healthful way more than ever.
We've ordering the Master Formula which is a packet with four supplements.

• Naturally supports general health and well-being for
the body
• Gut flora supporting prebiotics
• Ingredients help neutralize free radicals in the body
• Includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other
food-based nutriment
• SSI Technology delivers ingredients in 3 forms chosen
for their complementary properties
• Liquid Vitamin Capsule: pairs Cardamom, Clove,
Fennel, and Ginger essential oil with fat-soluble vitamins
• Micronized Nutrient Capsule: contains a blend of
certified organic food extracts that provide vitamins
B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9
• Phyto-Caplet: contains Spectra™*—a powerful fruit,
vegetable, and herb extract blend
Tim has always been a huge skeptic when it comes to supplements, oils, and other natural remedies. That is until he saw that many of them work. Then he began to read and learn and I took a medicinal herbs class many years ago now. It changed how I view 'weeds' and all the plants in nature. So many have health benefits for us.
I grew up with the mind set that every plant that wasn't purchased and planted in the garden were weeds and bad. They were to be sprayed with weed killer (roundup). Since then I've learned that while I don't want certain plants in my garden, most have nutritional benefits, or have healing properties in them. You can read about the use of plantain {here}.
I'm not going to turn my blog into a huge selling blog, but I will continue to do what I've always done on my blog: share my life and what I've been learning, and products that work for me.
I also am excited to get this diffuser -

If you ever have questions about anything I share please feel free to ask! If I don't know the answer, I'll find out for you.