Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 30, 2023

Information Friday


I babysat this noodle yesterday. Her sisters went to the beach with Auntie Rachel and friends. She did great and is such a sweetheart.

Also Dad came home yesterday!

You probably haven't heard about this avenue of money for the Bidens.

Will the real Joe Biden please stand up?

I like Bobby Kennedy, but we have very different ideas about the best way to run a nation. However, he is red pilling so many Democrats and Independents by talking about the jabs, about MK Ultra, etc. These are real things that I know are true, just like he knows they are true.

You can read about it {here}.

Do you remember this story?
Dong Jingwei was a high ranking official in China. He defected to the DIA which is military intelligence. They hid the fact that they had him. It's very interesting. Read about it {here}.

I'm not sure all early schools were for the wealthy only. The Ingalls' girls went to their local schools, which were run by local men, and were well educated. However, their early learning was done by Ma. Ma had been a teacher. These stories are after the Civil War in American History, but in Colonial America people were well educated as well. Most learned at home, even those who farmed. The Federalist Papers were written to the general population of the States to explain the Constitution to the citizens.
They used to teach from the Federalist Papers in law schools but don't anymore because modern students can't understand them. 
We've been dumbed down.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023



 Our skies look like this much of the time these past few weeks. After a dry May, June has been rainy with some thunderstorms. We are not complaining.

The weekend was nice. Tim and Kyle moved the shed from next to the driveway, to the other end of the house near the pool.

The shed needs a bit of work. We've had it for many years, and it was my parents shed before that! At one point Tim replaced the siding so it's easy enough to replace a section. We plan to repaint it white to match what the house siding will be when the addition is done. The shed will be used to store pool things, from floaties, to life vests, to towels and more. I want to hang hooks inside so the towels have a place to dry other than the railings of the deck!

The house needs to be washed but it hasn't happened yet, and since it will have new siding in the next few months it's probably not going to happen before that!

It's been tough for Tim to balance all the things he needs to do around here, and work. We are grateful for the work (could use more!) and soon Tim's part of the prep work for the addition will be done and it will be in the hands of the builder.

Dad's surgery went very well. The doc said he got all of the tumor. We are thankful. We wait for the all clear from the lymph nodes in about a week, but we are hopeful since the cat scan last month showed no spread! Praying and trusting God.

We had to be at the hospital at 11:45am yesterday, so I took Mom and Dad and we got there in plenty of time. Their small group leaders were already there waiting on them, and one of their pastors showed up just after that. Dad got all checked in then had a wait so we all prayed together.

Then Dad went back to get ready. Mom got to go back just before he went into surgery, which was around 2:00pm. He was out by 4:00pm but it was several hours before Mom could go see him. By then Tim was with us, and their small group leaders left. It was so sweet for them to stay with us the whole time!

We got home after 7:00 pm last evening. Dad was still waiting for a room, but called Mom a few hours later to say he was in a room, and they were getting him some broth (liquid diet at first), he had a tv and a phone and was content.

Thank you for your prayers for my Dad. We know God is in charge of all my Dad's days. We trust him.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Information Friday


Summer has arrived with mild temperatures and rainy weather.

This week has been interesting with a missing tourist submarine, Hunter Biden being indicted, more Hunter information, the censuring of Adam Schiff, and the beginnings of Impeachment of President Biden.

We know now that the Biden DOJ has been protecting both Bidens.

Remember Metabiota? The company that Hunter owned and that had contracts with the DoD to fund research into biological weapons?

This week we found out that Hunter made plea deals and will plead guilty to two minor tax charges and one charge about lying on his gun application. 

This is so those who want to charge Trump with false things can say, "See no one is above the law. Even Hunter got charged." Hunter and Joe have committed treasonous acts. DoJ protection is still there.

And while all the news about Hunter came out this week (plea deals) we were distracted by the search for the missing sub with 5 people on board.
Then yesterday when the news about the What's App message dropped, we were informed that they knew just hours after it went down to see the Titanic, that the sub had imploded. 
The families were lead to believe on Wednesday that their loved ones were alive still. Remember when they said they heard tapping every 30 minutes?
It was all lies.

Every time there are wildfires, the left cry out about climate change being the cause. Even though we've had arsonists seen, and we know they are using the money, sent when the fires get big enough, for other purposes (money laundering).

I don't know if you are aware of adrenochrome, and how it ties in with trafficking, especially of children.

Child s*x trafficking and abuse is every where. This man worked at the London school that Prince George and Princess Charlotte went to before they moved to Windsor last year.

Bill Clinton not only kept classified docs in his sock drawer (which according to the Presidental Records Act he is allowed to do), but while president he lost the nuclear codes!

An account I follow - Midnight Rider - shared this today.

New Ad from DJT


Have a good weekend friends. I probably won't post on Monday, as that is surgery day for my dad. I'll likely post on Tuesday.

Information Friday

  A week ago on Thursday, we celebrated my granddaughter Kennedy's birthday, and the next morning we were on the road to go visit my dau...