Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 23, 2023

Information Friday


Summer has arrived with mild temperatures and rainy weather.

This week has been interesting with a missing tourist submarine, Hunter Biden being indicted, more Hunter information, the censuring of Adam Schiff, and the beginnings of Impeachment of President Biden.

We know now that the Biden DOJ has been protecting both Bidens.

Remember Metabiota? The company that Hunter owned and that had contracts with the DoD to fund research into biological weapons?

This week we found out that Hunter made plea deals and will plead guilty to two minor tax charges and one charge about lying on his gun application. 

This is so those who want to charge Trump with false things can say, "See no one is above the law. Even Hunter got charged." Hunter and Joe have committed treasonous acts. DoJ protection is still there.

And while all the news about Hunter came out this week (plea deals) we were distracted by the search for the missing sub with 5 people on board.
Then yesterday when the news about the What's App message dropped, we were informed that they knew just hours after it went down to see the Titanic, that the sub had imploded. 
The families were lead to believe on Wednesday that their loved ones were alive still. Remember when they said they heard tapping every 30 minutes?
It was all lies.

Every time there are wildfires, the left cry out about climate change being the cause. Even though we've had arsonists seen, and we know they are using the money, sent when the fires get big enough, for other purposes (money laundering).

I don't know if you are aware of adrenochrome, and how it ties in with trafficking, especially of children.

Child s*x trafficking and abuse is every where. This man worked at the London school that Prince George and Princess Charlotte went to before they moved to Windsor last year.

Bill Clinton not only kept classified docs in his sock drawer (which according to the Presidental Records Act he is allowed to do), but while president he lost the nuclear codes!

An account I follow - Midnight Rider - shared this today.

New Ad from DJT


Have a good weekend friends. I probably won't post on Monday, as that is surgery day for my dad. I'll likely post on Tuesday.


Donna said...

Praying for your Dad!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Boy a lot there - I live in an area that is prone to forest fires and we know all about that - the big city lefty's who have never lived in these areas think they know all about fire prevention. They do not. Our town was devastated back in 2018 - the Carr fire and then we had the fire in Paradise. The Camp Fire and then the Hirtz fire and then the Zogg fire. PGE can be blamed and are responsible for shotty lines - that can be traced back to the state. The state give incentive$ to PGE to go solar and use wind, while they ignore the faulty and dangerous power lines. Every time it is windy, we can count on it - multiple fires will start around town and in green belts and forests. No lightning. They are caused by humans - the homeless encampments and arsonists. Climate change has nothing to do with it.

I hadn't realized they knew on Sunday that they were dead. No doubt to suppress the hunter Biden story and all the other Biden shenanigans.

I'm telling you, this administration is the worst I have ever seen - Thanks for the good information.

Vee said...

You may have to change these posts to Information Sunday –Saturday. So much information. It is a challenge to take it all in. I don't know how you do it.

Deanna said...

Lord, Help us. The corruption of our government is on both sides of the aisles. SO very sad. Very very sad.

Linda said...

Thank you for the info.....
and prayers for your dad.

Donna said...

What a cute noodle!
Prayers for your Father and thanks for all the information!

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