" You are an idiot & your uneducated followers are Too! The PA board of homeschooling should be contacted- you are a Not a teacher! Did you Even go to college.."
Isn't that precious? This toxic commentor just felt that she had to say this to me on a post that is about information in the public realm. She does not like my Information Friday posts apparently.
I say she, because these comments are emotional. Let's look at her words. First of all notice she doesn't offer any evidence to show where my information was incorrect she goes right to calling you and I names. I'm an idiot and I guess you uneducated followers are idiots, too!
Then she goes for the home education teaching. LOL. I don't talk about this much but just incase she reads here and is truly concerned about it, I am a trained linguist. I spent four and a half years in study to learn how to create an alphabet for unwritten languages, and also in culture studies. I have a friend who actually uses this in a West African country. She teaches people to read and write in their own language!
However, Miss Toxic Commentor, there is no home education law in the country that requires a parent to have a college degree. You certainly show your ignorance in this comment.
I have successfully home educated 6 fully functioning now adult people. Some have gone on to higher education, some have chosen to do work such as animal handlers for a local theater, my son is a master drywaller, one owns her a business with her husband, and they have rental property. One is a busy mom, and one is finishing his last year and works part time with my husband in our business!
Here is a comment from last year - (trigger warning)
"You're such a stupid bitch! How can you even look at your fat, ugly face in the mirror after putting out all these lies? People are dying! Get your facts straight idiot. Who are you getting your information from, Tucker Carlson or NewsMax? God sees everything you're doing, so you might want to think twice before you put all this lying crap on your lousy blog"
These kinds of comments are par for the course these days, I guess. It's too bad.
Dear Toxic,
If you disagree with me you really don't ever need to seek out my blog, read my posts, and comment.
I have long time reader friends who are not political and never comment on these posts. They likely don't read them. It's okay - they don't have to read them to be friends.
There was a woman who had been a longtime online friend. We'd even met and spent time in person. Politically we had differences, and after the 2020 election she didn't want to have anything to do with people who disagreed with her chosen narrative. She was vicious about it.
It broke my heart. I sometimes go to her social media to check in on her and her family. She has quite a following now on IG doing 'old fashioned granny' type videos. People love her content and her 'sweet encouragement.'
I know the truth of what she is like in real life. But I do not comment. Why should I? People reveal themselves over time.
I was going to come on here and use my old sharp tongue to give this Miss Toxic a lashing and make her wish she'd never commented here, but I find I don't have it in me.
I pity her. She is so tied to lies, that she cannot see. She is blinded and likely will never be able to really accept the truth, because it so goes against her accepted narrative.
The truth of what has happened is flooding out. Those hiding behind the legacy media lies refuse to believe it. We all have a hard time accepting that we've been tricked, lied too, enslaved. I've had to work my way through a lot of that in the last three years.
Those who are brave are willing to look reality in the face and see it for what it really is, rather than what we'd hoped it was, or what we were told was the truth.
It's hard work, but it's better than wasting emotional energy going around to blogs and spewing ugliness. She is showing herself clearly for who she is as a person. That's really sad for HER.