Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 26, 2024

New Hutch In The House

Friday night our friends came over and we had pizza and fun. Tim and Mike worked on work stuff, Kyle and Daniel played games and looked at old stats on Minecraft or something. They were getting a big kick out of it. Jen and I chatted and drank tea. She's had a terrible bout of severe nerve pain after having had shingles. Poor girl. They are trying to find the right dosage for her to help with the pain.

I showed her a marketplace listing for a hutch and told her we were going to see it Saturday afternoon! We did go see it and bought it!

I really, really am enjoying it. I had found several others but I could not get people to respond to my messages. That is very annoying.

It's hard to see but there are two drawers with flatware dividers, a big drawer under the two; I have napkins and my chest of silverplate. Then there are two cabinet doors. They have a divider between the spaces. I am using them to hold all my dishes, except the pattern we are using currently. Those will sit with the small stack of blue and white plates. This makes it easy to have all the things needed to set the dinner table close to hand.

I know that the shelves will be changing at least seasonally. But I do like a layered look and that sometimes takes time.

The walls in this space should be getting some attention fairly soon. Some of the painting of doors, trim, and hanging of shelves in my parents space is now going to be done by Lindsay. Tim will install their washer and dryer soon, too.

These walls need a little more mudding, and then sanding and painting. The ceiling has a few patches needed as well.

I think the hutch needs to move to the right just a bit so that it is centered on the wall. It is back to back with my kitchen hutch.

This hutch is our coffee and tea bar in the kitchen. On the other side of the wall is the new black hutch for dishes!

I am enjoying making my home cozy and welcoming. What a gift to have a refuge from the crazy.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Information Friday


I came across this photo yesterday. It is treasure! Uncle Kyle and Kamryn drinking chamomile tea, about 12 years ago! They are still great pals. 

I'm back for Information Friday, and wow! Was it hard to decide what to share! So much happening all at the same time!

Rob Roos speaks English as a second language so he pauses at a few phrases, but what he has to say is important.

This is why this case happened. The NY AG hates Trump and has used her position to 'get him.' There was no crime here. All of the banks said they'd do business with Trump again, and were happy with the loan repayment etc. This case is a lie, and the outcome was predetermined. Engoron knew from the start how he was going to rule. They used wrong articles to charge Trump and had no jury.

The truth always comes out but it moves slower than lies. Often because those telling the lies control media. They shut down the truth or even just dissenting voices, and they call it disinformation. 

Those involved with globalism are in a panic. Listen to Trudeau. 

They liked it when they controlled the narrative! They are unhappy that they don't control it anymore.

If you are still upset at me supporting DJT or being against globalism, think about what lies you might be believing. My eyes are wide open. I can't not see it now.

This is why I continue to post these informational posts! I am keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of people!

This is a huge issue. I've wondered about for sometime. If I had a surgery upcoming, I'd get my unjabbed friends to donate on my behalf.

The Biden mess is ongoing. Joe had a lot of years in Washington and a lot of years of making money off of his position. His brother and his son have been a part of this as well.

Coming later this year.....

Happy Weekend, Friends.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Cottage Garden Plans


I've been looking through my blog at garden posts. Next month I will have been blogging for 17 years, so I have many years of garden posts!

This year I have the opportunity to change my garden up a bit. while we will not be doing a big seating area yet, I do get to replace some plants that were lost in the construction. 

My garden has always brought me joy. The weeding is not joyful, but the end result is! (grin)

A spot in the corner of the house and garage is going to be a small seating area. The plants that had been in this space, were moved to the back near the creek. We are going to use pea gravel and some pavers to give us room to have a two chairs and a very small table.

Sarah and I love to sit in the garden in spring and summer to read.

I think I'll draw out my garden space, and then decide what to add back into this space. I may do a few pots there, too.

The spring equinox happens this year on March 19th at 11:06 pm. That four weeks away! I need a plan soon!

I can't wait to have my flowers in bloom again.

Friday, February 16, 2024

A Small Update


We had a lovely snow this week. By the afternoon the sun was shining and the snow was off the trees! But it's still on the ground, and we are getting more snow overnight tonight.

Kyle is doing very well, as are we all. I tell you he's an amazing young man. Full of bravery and strength. He's in a removeable splint for showering and cleansing his hand. The stitches are dissolvable so the washing helps them to dissolve.

I usually help put the splint back on after he's done.

He has had hand therapy twice, has two more appointments this week.

Then in about four weeks he'll have surgery on the nerves in his fingers. Prayers appreciated!

Next week, I hope to be back to Information Friday posts!

Have a delightful weekend!

Friday, February 9, 2024

Post Surgery Update

We met with the surgeon yesterday. 

Kyle's accident was a week ago and we knew that the wrapping on his hand would be coming off for the doctor to look at how his hand is healing.

Kyle has said that he had to remind himself during the past week that those fingers were gone, and not just wrapped up to heal. The pointer and middle fingers he could see and was able to test them to make sure that they had good blood flow.

As the PA was removing the wrapping, Kyle closed his eyes and Tim wasn't looking either. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. The wrapping looked gross due to wound seepage and so I though "I don't know if I can look at his hand." 

In the end I did look, and so did Tim and Kyle. He has stitches and swelling still, and there was a lot of dried blood. He also has more thumb than we thought, which is a huge blessing! He'll be able to write still and use flatware!

I'm not going to lie, it was hard to see my sons' hand with missing fingers. However, this is the reality. It will not help any of us, if we don't learn to see it as the new normal.

Kyle is doing amazing, but as he said yesterday, it's a new level of dealing with it, now that he can see it. Acceptance is a process and thank God for how he is helping us, but especially Kyle.

It's amazing how hard grief is. I've hardly cooked. Several people kindly brought us meals. 

I'm grateful that we are sticking together through this and not being torn apart by it. God is good.

Thank you for upholding us through prayer! Man! We feel it. There is a peace that is with us in the middle of the pain. I appreciate you all so much!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Update on Kyle


Kyle, Tim, and Nate in Late November


I am so grateful for your kind encouragements and your prayers for our family and especially for Kyle.

He's doing amazingly well, and the remaining fingers seem to be healing. We go to see the surgeon on Thursday morning.

While we would never have chosen this for Kyle, we know that God is in control. He's surrounded us with love and encouragement in these last 6 days, and I cannot tell you how many stories of similar accidents we've heard. I think this kind of thing is more common than I knew!

It's been so encouraging to us, and to Kyle, to see that life can be still lived to its fullest.

We'd still ask for prayer for the following things:

1. When we see his hand on Thursday without the bandages.
2. Continued healing in this pointer and middle fingers!
3. For emotional healing from the trauma for Rachel and Wes. They work at the same place and were the ones to help him!

Again, I'm grateful for you all.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Prayer Request



Kyle suffered a work accident on Wednesday, and lost most of his thumb, and the ring finger and pinky are gone. The pointer finger and middle finger needed artery repair and tendons. We are praying they stay doing well!

This is a trauma for us all. God is with us. We are helping each other.

We've cried so many tears.

His brother cried in my arms and said "I'd gladly give up my fingers for him!"

We all look at how young he is, and how awful. But we do know that God will use this in all our lives for our good. The Lord brought Job to mind this morning, and Wednesday during his five hour surgery, God clearly reminded me that while it is a surprise to us, and a shock, it is not a surprise to HIM.

He is with us.

By God's grace, Kyle is handling it well. It will take time and be quite the challenge at times so we covet your prayers for him.

My Mama heart is crushed, and yet not destroyed. I'm seeing glimpses of beauty in the pain. 

Nate's heart for his brother.

Kamryn's love for Uncle Kyle. She drew him a picture of Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon. 

Four year old Kaidence "I love you Kyle."

A sister who went just to hang out with him at the hospital yesterday, and got to bring him home!

One day I might be able to go through a day without crying, but it won't be for a while. We are grieving this trauma, and I think it's good. We are all in this together as a family, and the family of God has been surrounding us with prayer.

Our church, my daughters' church, her inlaws' church, my parents' church, the list could go on.

We are being upheld and God is with us.

I'm grateful.

I think I may take some time off from here, but it depends on how I am feeling. If you're on Instagram you can follow me at @deannarabe. I'm pretty active on sharing in stories.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...