Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 9, 2024

Post Surgery Update

We met with the surgeon yesterday. 

Kyle's accident was a week ago and we knew that the wrapping on his hand would be coming off for the doctor to look at how his hand is healing.

Kyle has said that he had to remind himself during the past week that those fingers were gone, and not just wrapped up to heal. The pointer and middle fingers he could see and was able to test them to make sure that they had good blood flow.

As the PA was removing the wrapping, Kyle closed his eyes and Tim wasn't looking either. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. The wrapping looked gross due to wound seepage and so I though "I don't know if I can look at his hand." 

In the end I did look, and so did Tim and Kyle. He has stitches and swelling still, and there was a lot of dried blood. He also has more thumb than we thought, which is a huge blessing! He'll be able to write still and use flatware!

I'm not going to lie, it was hard to see my sons' hand with missing fingers. However, this is the reality. It will not help any of us, if we don't learn to see it as the new normal.

Kyle is doing amazing, but as he said yesterday, it's a new level of dealing with it, now that he can see it. Acceptance is a process and thank God for how he is helping us, but especially Kyle.

It's amazing how hard grief is. I've hardly cooked. Several people kindly brought us meals. 

I'm grateful that we are sticking together through this and not being torn apart by it. God is good.

Thank you for upholding us through prayer! Man! We feel it. There is a peace that is with us in the middle of the pain. I appreciate you all so much!


Jan said...

Praying God's richest blessings on you all for healing and peace.

ellen b. said...

So much to process. Thankful that there is more thumb than expected. Prayers continue for God's peace to be felt.

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for carrying you through this difficulty. I will continue to remember your family in prayer.

Cheryl said...

Praise the Lord that there is more of the thumb remaining than you thought. That is a huge blessing, and an answer to prayer! I am continuing to pray for Kyle and for all of you . . . for continued healing and grace for the journey! ~ Cheryl

Lorrie said...

So much to handle emotionally and physically. Continuing to pray.

Anonymous said...

We are praying! 🙏

Anonymous said...

God is definitely walking through this with you. I am sure as you start looking back you will see each little moment that he was so faithful and personal during this journey. Praise him for his steadfast love and I am so thankful your family knows Him as your savior and king! Prayers and continued blessings for your whole family!

Terra said...

Your Kyle is a handsome guy with a kind smile, and I am praying he and you two will continue to adjust and that God will give you grace as Kyle heals.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That must have been hard for you. Kyle is young and will rise up for the challenges ahead. NO matter what age our children are, we mothers (and fathers) hate to see anything happen to them. When my son had a bike accident last year, it upset me as well. He broke his humerus bone and he has never broken a bone before. He's all fine now but it did take 3 months recovering and physical therapy. It helped that he too, had a good attitude which really helped me.
I will continue to hold you and your family up in prayer.

Mrs. E. said...

This is good news.

Donna said...

Prayer with Faith goes a long way towards healing.
Here's to a Blessed and full future! I Believe...:o)
Big hug

Mrs.T said...

So thankful that he has more thumb than you anticipated. God is good always and has some good purpose that will one day come out of this. I know He will continue to give you all His peace.

Anonymous said...

Kyle is a wonderful young man and he will rise up to the challenge supported by his loving family I have no doubt. But also please know there are adaptive tools to write, use silver ware among others. He will not need to lose those things or even anything he enjoyed as there maybe tools available. Keeping him and the rest of you in prayers

Kim said...

Keeping you all in my prayers and so happy to hear that the healing is progressing and that he will be able to use part of his thumb. That is a very good news.

Estelle's said...

This is such a terrible traumatic injury..I am ever so sorry...a similar injury happened to my grandfather....I am so very sorry......hugs and prayers for healing mind and body....

Linda said...

God bless you and prayers as he continues to recover.

Sherry said...

"in acceptance lieth peace." elisabeth elliot ... though that acceptance is more certainly a process, not an instant rendering of one's heart. i'm continuing in prayer for your son and what God has in store. and of course i'm praying for his loving family. gentle hugs.

Theresa said...

I have been missing from blogland and trying to catch up! I will be praying for Kyle and ALL of you! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

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