Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 19, 2024

Cottage Garden Plans


I've been looking through my blog at garden posts. Next month I will have been blogging for 17 years, so I have many years of garden posts!

This year I have the opportunity to change my garden up a bit. while we will not be doing a big seating area yet, I do get to replace some plants that were lost in the construction. 

My garden has always brought me joy. The weeding is not joyful, but the end result is! (grin)

A spot in the corner of the house and garage is going to be a small seating area. The plants that had been in this space, were moved to the back near the creek. We are going to use pea gravel and some pavers to give us room to have a two chairs and a very small table.

Sarah and I love to sit in the garden in spring and summer to read.

I think I'll draw out my garden space, and then decide what to add back into this space. I may do a few pots there, too.

The spring equinox happens this year on March 19th at 11:06 pm. That four weeks away! I need a plan soon!

I can't wait to have my flowers in bloom again.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh how I love to garden and I love seeing others gardening as well. Such pretty flowers! I’m so looking forward to it soon. We’ve had a lot of rain here in the golden state which will make for an awesome spring! God bless

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Seventeen years worth of garden-flower posts - what a lovely collection that must be! You'll have fun dreaming up new plans again. Happy Monday, Deanna.

Cheryl said...

You will have such fun planning and dreaming for your new garden space(s)! I love that it brings you such joy!

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