Here are the rules:
1. Each player starts with 5 gifts that they would want for the New Year.
2. People who are “CARDED” need to write their own Blog about their 5 things & post these rules.
3. At the end of your Blog, you need to choose 5 people to get “CARDED” and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a COMMENT telling them they’re “CARDED”, and to read your Blog.
An airline ticket to anywhere.
A Trip to Great Britain.
Bigger Dining Table.
Weight Loss
To be diligent with spending time in the Word.
To spend time in prayer and take time to listen.
To be consistent with my journaling.
Reach out to my neighbors.
Be faithful to practice what I preach!
Now I am carding the following:
Pauleen at White Picket Fence, Manuela at The Feathered Nest, haus frau at lula's hardt.