Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Pictures

We had such a lovely Christmas. It was relaxed and spent in the company of family.

Here the girls are showing their happiness at the gifts sent to them by their cool cousin, Evan! Thanks for your generosity Evan!

Sarah was the recipient of 2 sweet teacups.

A bunch of us went in together and got Kyle a train table and some battery operated Thomas the Tank engine stuff. I think he spent ten hours playing with that, and then it has continued for days now!
Our adult nieces Carrie, Jen and Shelly joined us. It was great to spend time with them.
In the picture above you can see two cool games - Chutes and Ladders (snakes and ladders if you are English) and The Settlers of Catan. Below is Lindsay concentrating on the game. She loves all those strategy type games.
I slow roasted a turkey overnight and mom made a small ham. We just set everything up buffet style and people ate when they wanted to. It was wonderful!


Anonymous said...

I love to see all the family pictures!! Thanks for sharing!

Melissa G said...

Oh it was so good to see all the pictures! It looks like you had a fun Christmas.
We love playing Settlers! I think it's our favorite game. We'll have to play with Lindsey sometime.

Becky K. said...

That really looks like a nice day...I can just imagine Kyle having a blast with that train set.

Great idea!
Becky K.

Alicia @ said...

I love all your pictures also!! Sounds like a nice and relaxing day. That train table is very cool...we have one at my preschool and the kids would play with it for hours if we let them!! I hope you are all enjoying the break!

By the way, thank you so very much for the cute "Joy" and "Snow" decorations!! As well as that homemade snowman plate! You are so talented...thanks for thinking of us!

Anonymous said...

Check my blog, you have been carded!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Loved seeing the pictures of your happy family! Sounds like you all had a fun Christmas.

Have a Happy & Healthy New Year!


Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...