Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 22, 2007


I feel sort of at a loss, since I was so busy and now things have slowed waaay down! I am not complaining, mind you.

Today I finished picking up last minutes gifts, they are wrapped and under the tree. Rachel and I made sugar cookie dough, and it is now chilling in the fridge, waiting to be rolled out and sprinkled with colored sugar.

In a couple of hours, Sarah and Rachel are off to rehersal for the Christmas program at church. Sarah can wear what she wants but Rachel's class are shepherds and she must wear jeans and a tee shirt to the Christmas service at church. This makes me so sad as she has the most adorable dress this year! She has worn it for church once already and our co-op Christmas concert so that is good. I am going to make her wear it alot!!!

We have had a lot of calls about the puppies - if everyone who said they were coming to look at them actually came, the puppies would be all gone! We have 5 left, and someone is supposed to come today. I am praying that they will all be gone to new homes by New Year's day! Pray with me please! The picture below was taken almost 3 weeks ago. They have grown a lot since then, but are still adorable!

This is what is up with us today. What are you doing?


Alicia @ said...

Awww the puppy is soooo cute~!!!

We are at my parents, then gonna go to dinner a little later with just them while my sister is at a rehearsal.

Tomorrow we are all going to bake and then go on a gondola ride through naples!!!

Sounds like things are going well there, slow is definitely a nice thing!!! Have fun at rehearsal!

Becky K. said...

I will second that the puppies are very cute! Did you know that I snuck in and visited when everyone else was dancing at the Ball? Couldn't help it...the puppies are irresistible!

We helped Georgia hang things on her walls today and did the usual getting Mikey to and from work, met some friends to deliver more candles and am attempting to clean up around here since everyone at church is welcomed back here for lunch before Christmas Caroling. I paid bills and did a little bit more Christmas shopping.

Sounds like a lot but it isn't too bad. I guess getting the candle stuff put away is the worst. It has kind of taken over the kitchen and dining room.

Enjoy the drive to DE. We were there not too long ago...

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Oh, and the boys are excited about wearing period clothing for the Spring Ball. Will miracles never cease?????

Blessings on ya'll.
Becky K.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...