Our summer has been relatively mild overall, so I have no complaints. Really. I just want it to be Autumn now! Pinterest has not helped this feeling at all! I've been pinning things like this

But I digress.
Back to the garden.
The garden is getting past its prime and many plants are going to seed. As I was weeding last week and cutting some things back, I could here several plants tossing their seeds as I moved them.
I decided to save as many as I could.
These are my hollyhocks.
I love how the seed casing is flower shaped. Hollyhocks are easy to grow and all you do is toss the seeds out into the garden once you are past your last frost date. Oh, and be careful of free ranging chickens. Ask me how I know.
This poor blurry photo is of my Lychnis seeds. They are really a pretty flower, on an interesting plant.
Last but not least, my poppies. These seeds are enlarged here. They are really very tiny.
Here is a link to a post I did about the garden in Mid June. You can see all these flowers in the photos.
I love to share plants from my garden and saving and sharing seeds are an easy way to do this.
Do you save seeds? Do you share them with friends?