Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Our Fourth On The Third

Tim had his first day off in a month, literally, and so he wanted us to do something together as a family.  He has to work this weekend, so Friday was going to be it for doing something.

We'd heard of Lake Tobias for many years but had never gone.  It is a wildlife park, with a petting zoo, reptile house, various animals and the best part - a wildlife safari.

If you can enlarge this photo you may be able to see better the Bison who thought he would hitch a ride on our safari bus!  I guess some of the animals will try to board when the buses stop for us to take photos or feed the animals.  This was the second animal to try this while we were on our safari.

 Grammy was a real trouper!  She enjoyed the animals.

 These two girls had so much fun!

We ended the day with fireworks in our driveway.  It's a tradition!

We had a big surprise today!  I'll see if you can figure it out.  

Happy Independence Day!


Terra said...

That is a great idea to celebrate the 4th on the 3rd at a wildlife park with a safari ride. The animals all look handsome.

Cheryl said...

Surprise!! Emma's home!! How lovely!

Lake Tobias looks like lots of fun! It is so nice that so many of you were able to enjoy it together. You just have to grab those moments when there's opportunity, don't you?

Donna said...

Fun video! Glad you all enjoyed the Day!

Vee said...

And I sneaked a peek at Emma's hand because I am snoopy like that. =D Kyle looks as if he's deep in prayer. Wonderful to get away with family and do something new. I hope that Tim gets more time off than he has had in the first month on the job. That's brutal!

Sue said...

OH! I am so nosey, but couldn't figure your surprise out! What a nice trip for all, I love to visit places like this, and have many photos and memories of our visits to parks and petting zoos!
So glad you had such a great time, enjoyed your fireworks!
Blessings, Sue

Tim said...

I give up. The suspense is killing me. What was the big surprise??? Was it something about Vinnie's foot that I see in the one photo?

Tim said...

I was wondering if I could share the fireworks video I made here in Nashville last night.
I guess you'll have to copy and paste the link above or get on yotube and search "maxpatch67 nashville fireworks finale 2015". It was a nice show. I'm glad Tim was able to be home and ya'll could have fun as a family. I like his name by the way.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Ah, you guessed! :) It was so great of them to surprise us that way!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Hey, those fireworks are gonna show up our little cheesy driveway fireworks! Thanks, Tim for sharing the link. And for commenting here. We look forward to meeting you all. Rachel really enjoyed meeting your girls.


podso said...

You will savor this day for a long time!

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