Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Information Friday

Our sunset last night was very beautiful. The color was a bit deeper than my phone capture shows it.

I don't know if I'll be able to do a post next week, I'll be visiting my daughter and her family, but I'll try.

We are praying for Florida, and all who are still in Ian's path. My sister in law's family, our friends who were just here, and others we know are all just fine. Thank God. We know that many have suffered catastrophic loss.

Now some news.

This is incredible. I can't believe that a country would allow another country to have their own police to monitor nationals living abroad! 

Oh but wait! The US has allowed this, too?! What?! This is unacceptable!

What does China have on these countries? There are other nations who've allowed this as well. JB isn't the only one bought and paid for apparently.

Then there is this information.

Good news here!

Tim says he hopes all those fired went to work in Florida!

The Clinton's Foundation has always been about money laundering.

Before anyone forgets that it was the left that wanted to do away with the police, this video shows you want they actually said.

You can find it {here}.

Trump was talking this week about what is going on with the Russian pipeline attacks. This is very dangerous.

A leader from Poland thanked the US for the attack! What?! And a look back to what this administration was saying before Russian went into Ukraine this is pretty damning.

The MSM are all losing their minds over the new PM of Italy. This woman is not what they are saying. They hate her and they hate us for having the same ideals. If you listen to Bid*n and other world leaders, they are afraid. They are losing. The people of the world are winning.

It's been a horrible year for the stock market.

  Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Thinking Of October

 We are now just three days away from October. It's my favorite month. 

October is a big birthday month for our family starting with my birthday on the 3rd. Then we have my daughter in law Kayleigh's birthday on the 7th, my granddaughter Isla on the 10th, my granddaughter Klaire on the 11th, my great nephew Camden on the 12th, my brother in law Dan on the 13th! Whew! My mother in law's birthday was October 31st, and we'll always remember her day.

September has been a beautiful month with the changing light from the sun as we moved toward the Autumnal Equinox, the beginning of leaves changing, and the cool evenings. October will be like this but more of it. Cooler days, all the leaves will change and bring such beauty that it can make your heart swell. 

We will be taking two fall foliage trips this year both in our own state. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resourses our Pennsylvania has a longer and more varied fall foliage season than any other state in the nation, or anywhere in the world! {here}

We'll be going to the Laurel Highlands, and up to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. My parents will be coming along, and Wes and Rachel will come along at least to the PA Grand Canyon. 

We will host our annual Fall Fest again this month. Just figuring out the date. 

I foresee lots of evening fires outside, warm and nutritious meals, a few pumpkin desserts.

What are you looking forward to in October? 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Travelers Are Home

My parents and Wes and Rachel took a trip to Arizona this past week to visit my brother and sister in law, see one of their granddaughters and her family, and got to visit with my nephew who drove in from California.

My niece Jill is a manager of a very busy, very profitable Starbucks. She treated them to drinks, and took time off work to spend with them.

Robert and Paula (my bro and sis in law) took them to some very beautiful places in Arizona.

Rachel sent me the photos below of the White Tank Mountains that are near to where Robert and Paula live. Monsoon season has been good and everything was beautiful.

They have an inground pool and the family enjoyed it together.

Rachel and Wes took one day to drive up to the Grand Canyon. I was there many years ago now, but I remember how awesome it is.

They had a great trip! I'm so glad they had this time with family. Thanks to Wes and Rachel for going along and helping them be able to do the travel required of the trip. 

We were their taxi service to the airport and back home, and they got in early this morning. It's about an hour and a half to the airport, and when I climbed into bed this morning it was 3:30 am. 

My dad gets his new hearing aids at the VA in Lebanon this afternoon, so I'll take him to that appointment. We'll be doing school today too, and I think I'll be getting to bed a bit early tonight.

Friday, Tim and I will be on our own road trip to visit our daughter and family! Can't wait!

Monday, September 26, 2022



This weekend was filled with a lot of home keeping. 

On Saturday, my guys helped me by flipping our mattress and then we put fresh sheets our big California King bed, put the duvet cover on, and a fallish coverlet. Tim mentioned later how nice it looked.

Watson found it to be a cozy napping spot.

Then Kyle went down to my decor shelves in the basement and brought up my ceramic pumpkins, and my Friendly Village dishes that we use for the autumn and most of winter. Most of my dishes were gifts for my birthday several years ago.

I made Teriyaki Chicken and Rice for dinner, one night and we've been enjoying the leftovers.

Yesterday, after church, we ate subs we made at home, and settled in for a cozy, rainy afternoon. Later when the rain stopped, Tim took Kamryn and Klaire for a hike (Kyle wasn't feeling well). They got a bit wet while out but they had a great hike.

He took this picture on their hike.

Very beautiful.

I hope you all had a good weekend. I'd love to hear about it!

Friday, September 23, 2022

Information Friday


Welcome Autumn! Our overnight temps are cool, and we slept with the windows open last night. Such a beautiful time of year.

On to the information - 

This is important!

CBS news was reporting on a study done on babies in the womb. It was studying their response to foods eaten by the mother, using ultrasound. Babies apparently like carrots more than green leafy veg.

That's it for today, friends. I want to remind you that I post things that I think are important to know, information that has caught my eye, and things that are interesting. I do not post saying I know everything about each thing I share. I give you enough information to research for yourself if you want to look at something more in depth. 

I say this because I have a friend who follows my IG stories and she is always asking me a dozen questions about everything, when she could simply do a search on what she's wanting more information on. 

Also, I get comments here, that I cannot email a response to, and I don't always have time to go back into my comments on the blog and respond there. 

When looking up information on some of these subjects know that G**gle hides information. If you want to find information on the web without censorship I recommend using the Ecosia search engine, or Freespoke. Freespoke is an app.

Have a great weekend.

Information Friday

  A week ago on Thursday, we celebrated my granddaughter Kennedy's birthday, and the next morning we were on the road to go visit my dau...