We really are prepared, mostly.
We leave tomorrow for California (Rachel, Sarah, and I) and today I have a few errands to run.
I need to go to the store that carries Lily's Chocolate Bars. I NEED some for my trip. I don't always buy them here at home, I can make treats, etc, but when your traveling and you need a little something, its nice to know you have something on hand that you know you like. Especially on the plane.
I forgot to buy coffee beans the other day at Aldi - Gasp! My poor man cannot be left home without his coffee!
I'm headed to the bank, also, and I need to go to a local tire place and have one of my van tires replaced. Ugh. Kay is taking us to the airport and we don't want to risk a flat for her and the girls.
So not a frantic day, just some stuff, and packing.
I don't know if I'll get the chance to post while I'm in California, but I will be posting on Instagram and FB so go follow me there and you can keep up with our trip!