Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hydrangea In The Kitchen

Aren't they beautiful?  I'm saving the pink ones for another day.

I hope your summer is going well.  Today, Sarah has an early dentist appointment and I've got to get moving!


Rhonda said...

Your hydrangeas are beautiful! I've tried to grow them but no luck. Can't wait to see your pink ones. Our summer is racing right along. Hot and dry right now. It's county fair week so the heat is pretty much par for the course. Have a great day :)

Debby Ray said...

I would love a hydrangea in any room, including the kitchen! Yours is absolutely gorgeous!

Kim said...

Fabulous. I dug mine up, never bloomed, gave it to my sister down the block and now it blooms all the time. Go figure.

Lorrie said...

Hydrangeas are filling vases in rooms here, too. Lovely blue blooms.

Vee said...

Wonderful shades in perfect complement to the other...

Estelle's said...

My goodness absolutely bautiful and glorious these are...stunning!

Charm and Grace said...

More hydrangeas... just love them. All the colors of the rainbow. I have the Snowflake Hydrangeas in my yard and the white blooms with double petals are nearly a foot and a half long. It's really too big and needs to be divided... hoping to do that before next year. Lovely!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...