Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Books: I Am Seriously Addicted

Hi, my name is Deanna and I am addicted to books.  In the last week I have bought many books.  I am not helped in this addiction because my daughter is likewise addicted and likes to make trips to our library used book store.  We justify it by the fact that we are helping to fund the library.  We are community minded, you know.

Then I popped into a favorite antique store, the kind with many vendors, looking for tea cups for a friend of mine who I am helping with a huge decorating project.  I saw a few things for her but I also always look at one vendor who sells old books.  They often have Landmark books, which I like to collect.  This day they didn't have any Landmark but they did have Louisa May Alcott's "Eight Cousins" and a book I've been eyeing about Valley Forge.  

 The Elizabeth Goudge book I found at the Clay Bookstore.  I was near there on Monday, having gone to my doctors office for my annual thyroid check.  I've bought all these lovely Grace Livingston Hill books there too, but this week only the one titled "Maris."  These are easy reading books, but I love the descriptions of the homes, and the home keeping that she always includes in her stories.

While at the antique store I found two books about Tasha Tudor.  
 This one, which I have read through the library before and enjoyed and one about historical crafts.  That one is going to a friend who live on the other side of the continental United States from me.  I wasn't going to buy it but she came to mind and so I bought it.  I messaged her and she did not have it.  She's had some stress lately, so I see it as a God prompt.  He brought her to mind, and wants to bless her through this book, so I have it all wrapped and read to mail.

I think mail should be beautiful, too!

I have been trying to find these books by Elizabeth Goudge, after having come across the third book of this series a few years ago.  I bought that book very inexpensively and found out it was one of the harder to find ones.  Well, this week at the Clay Bookstore, I found book 2 and 3!  I am keeping book 2 and sending book 3 to another dear friend, along with a few Gladys Taber books, and some fun items from the dollar spot in Target for her birthday.  Her birthday was months ago, but I collect things as I go, and I knew I wanted to send some Taber books, I just needed to get a chance to go to the right bookstore again.  Anyway, this makes her birthday celebration stretch out!

So my confession is complete.  It's not all so bad since I am sharing them with others, right?

Do you buy books?  What kind do you like?  Old, new, fiction, non?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Autumn: Beauty

Our autumn foliage is barely beginning to turn.  The map on our Department of Natural Resources page says that the peak time for foliage in our area is October 24-31st, so we have some time to wait.

In the meantime, I am enjoying pinning autumn beauty on my Autumn Pinterest board.

Here is a photo from my own trees (Red Sunset Maples) in 2013.

Are you enjoying autumn beauty where you live?

Monday, September 28, 2015

Home Keeping: Slip Cover For The Couch

Several years ago our neighbors gave us a really nice couch.  The only problem with it was it was blue plaid.  Over the years I've covered it with various things, but never had the budget for a slip cover.

Friday at Christmas Tree Shops I found one.  Perfect colors for my bedroom, too.  The price was an incredible $29.99 for a couch cover!

 Very low light this morning as it is raining.  I had the overhead room light on and the lamp.  The wrinkles are hanging in there, too!

 I'm really happy with the way it looks, too!

It nicely coordinates with my bedding.  Win!

If you look around at photos of my house you will see unfinished trim work, and lots of imperfections.  It's a work in progress.  We love it though, and I don't think that anyone who comes over to spend time here ever notices.

If you are waiting to practice hospitality until your house is 'just so' you may never do it.  My advice is to do what you can then invite people to come over.  People really do love to be asked!

As the Nester says, "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful."

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Autumn: An At Home Day

We are at home today.  Well, mostly.  Tim and I went to breakfast this morning and had a nice leisurely chat.

We are going to be working on mowing, picking tomatoes, tidying bedrooms.  

 I bought a slipcover yesterday for my blue plaid couch in my bedroom.  I'll show you on Monday, after more of the wrinkles work their way out.

 The weather is overcast and cool.  It's noon and still in the 60's.  I love it!

I hope you all have a wonderful day with whatever you are doing.  Savor the season, I know that I am.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Autumn: Fair Time

One of our annual rituals is a trip to our local Ag Fair in West Lampeter.  It's not a flashy fair with parades or rides, it is our favorite though.

My kids used to do rodeo events on Fridays, but we haven't for a few years now.  Still we try to get to the fair at least onetime during its three days.

Yesterday Emma, Rachel and I took Kyle and Kamryn.  They had a great time getting free candy, chips, balloons from the many booths of local businesses or churches.  Some booths are set up with activities like this one with a rock wall.

There are also many categories to enter such as kids collections, art, different sewing categories, photography, growing flowers, vegetables, baking.  My kids have won ribbons here for photography in years past.

Here were some things that caught my eye.

 This was a children's category entry.  It one a first place.

All the quilts are behind plastic, which I understand but it's hard to photograph.

One of our local dairies had a fake cow to milk. Kamryn did this for a long time!  
You can see they have a 'corn hole' type game in the back with ice cream cones.

 We watched some of the 4H kids presenting their calves.  This gal was the only one in this category.  

 My favorite little goats!

Kamryn loves animals.  She has no fear, she just went right up and climbed up to reach the camel!

Do you have a local fair that you go to?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Autumn: Things Catching My Eye This Morning

I love this time of year (in case I haven't mentioned that a million times or so), the light is so pretty coming through the windows and doors.  These things were catching my eye this morning.

 Love the light illuminating the honey jar.

 Two of our chicks.  They are growing up fast!  

 Feverfew in bloom

 These are a daisy like MUM that normally bloom in September.  Looks like they may make it, but they are late blooming this year.

 Good Neighbors Candles - simply the best!

Irish Breakfast tea in a Polish Pottery mug.

What has caught your eye this morning?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hobbit Day

Yesterday was Bilbo and Frodo Baggins' birthday.  They share the same day, if you didn't know.  It come to be called "Hobbit Day" and this is the second time that Lindsay and Joseph have held a party.  The first was two years ago, before they married and we held it here.  Yesterday it was at their house.

 Joseph's sister Laura, hand painted this sign from a piece of wood that Tim had cut.  Lindsay had it hanging by the entrance to the party.  Those familiar with The Fellowship of the Rings will get the reference.

 Beautiful lights strung in the trees and around the sign.

 She made a buffet table from wooden planks and hay bales.


 She made wonderful homemade breads.

 Including this on plan (Trim Healthy Mama) bread for me and my mom.

 Lots of veggies

 Cheeses.  There were wonderful apples, too, and punch and water in real punch glasses.

 Her everyday flatware

 Tim made a wonderful fire and kept it fed all night

I'm so proud of my girl!  

There was also lots of dancing by torchlight into the night.  It was so much fun and a great way to welcome autumn as well.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...