I've decided that since many things I share on Friday's are not necessarily 'good news,' I will be calling this post "Informational Friday" for the time being. I do see lots of hard things happening that are for the good in the long run, but they are kind of scary at the moment. Hard truths being revealed.
One of the hard truths is about Hunter Bid*n and his laptop. Turns out, that as many of us have known and spoken about for two years, the laptop is Hunter's.
If this doesn't tell you how corrupt our media is, nothing will awaken you to that fact. They all knew, but they chose to act like it was just DJT lying to try to win, etc. They are all complicit.
The exception is the New York Post who was writing about it and sharing on their social media. This, of course, got their accounts shut down. Censorship.
When Big Tech and a corrupted Media all work together to build a narrative, we are in trouble as a nation. It has become propaganda.
An example of this is when all of the major msm, including fox, cut off the president speaking of the election fraud. They all said he was lying. But evidence was there that no one would report, and so it has taken over a year to get to where now states are saying that there WAS major corruption in the last election.
Here are some articles talking about the laptop. {here} and {here}You can easily find out more by searching online.
They are no longer hiding it, and many think the reason is that they are trying to get out ahead of information that will be coming out about H. Bid*n. We know he's trying to quickly pay back taxes.
Sadly, the worst things are not his business dealings with Burisma in Ukraine, or dealings with the CCP. Friends, this guy loved to film himself having s*x, with prostitutes and others. There are thousands of emails between him and many others. He is a troubled man, addicted, and has often been protected by people whose job it was to protect his father from physical harm. This has the potential to blow up big time.Many have wondered why he took his laptop to a local repair shop. Don't they as a family know tech people who could do that? The other curious thing is that he left the laptop, even after the repair shop called him repeatedly. Why didn't he send someone to get it?
The owner of the repair shop, after seeing what was on it, gave the laptop to the FBI, in either late 2019 or early 2020. People in power have known it is real and have hidden that fact from us.
It is really more than just this. It is a deliberate silencing. They want to rule us. "Just be quiet and do what we say, and we'll let you have food and a place to live." That's the attitude behind the great reset. Why do these resets always have to do with the people of the world doing with less?
Take for example Climate Change. If the elites really thought that the seas were rising and going to flood cities etc, why do so many have ocean front properties? Why do they keep spending tens of millions on these properties? Wouldn't that seem like a bad investment?
This is interesting. The key thing in lawsuits like this is the 'discovery' phase. A lot of key information will get out to the public legally about just what has gone on with many in the government colluding to get rid of DJT before the 2016 election.
All the things they accused DJT of, they did themselves. It's called projection. This is what the Special Prosecutor John Durham is bringing indictments over. There is more to come.
This is the man who found the tie between the Russians bombing certain areas of Ukraine, and the US Biolabs in the country. He'd not been on social media for several days, and people were concerned about him, that's what he's speaking of in the beginning.
More fake media stories out of Ukraine.
These people know they are lying. They are trying to drag us all into a world war.
I believe we are seeing the end of the central banking system. I've shared here before about how there are central banks in every country. Ours is the Federal Reserve. How many know that this is not a US bank but a privately owned bank? Do you know that we buy our country's currency from them, and have to pay it back with interest?
This is why we pay so many taxes.
Do you know that we fought to break away from England because King George was taxing us at a 3% rate? What is our current over all rate? 40%? Just think of how people could live if we didn't have taxes. No personal debt, for one. Incredible!
For too long, they've tried to get us to follow celebrities, and desire to live like they do. This has gotten a lot of people into trouble financially. They built a financial system of buying on credit, that's debt. You don't really own the thing until all the payments are paid. Tim worked with a man once, who said that he and his wife didn't care what something cost, as long as they could make their minimum monthly payments on their cards. That is short term thinking.
We do use a credit card for fuel, when we travel, or when purchasing something online. However, we pay it off every month.
Friends, I believe that we are in for some hard times. Do what you can to stock up our pantry. Remember, this is by design. They want us to beg them to take care of us, and when/if that happens your freedoms are gone.

Do not fear, friends. The way forward may feel scary because we've believed their narrative about the financial system, and the histories they've told us. But I believe there is an opportunity to get back to the founders vision for our nation.Alexis de Tocqueville said the following after traveling in the United states in 1840,
"As for myself, I do not hesitate to avow that although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is in some respects one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked, now that I am drawing to the close of this work, in which I have spoken of so many important things done by the Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply: To the superiority of their women."
Let's be superior women, friends. Let's encourage others, care for our neighbors, work together in our families.
As Aslan told Lucy, "Courage, dear heart."