Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 28, 2022



Friday night we had dinner with Wes and Rachel, then we all played Skyjo. Well, except Kyle. On Friday evenings he plays online with his best friend who lives 30 minutes away.

The goal of the game is to have the least amount of points. The game ends when the first player gets to 100 points. That was Tim in the first game, it took only 3 rounds for him to hit that score. My score for that game was 6. I couldn't believe it. Each round I only got 2 points! However in the second game I got 42 points. I was second though. Not too bad an evening!

Our weather has hit a cold spell. It's 24 as we speak. Before it got cold on Saturday, Tim and Kyle did mulch in the cottage garden.

It was cloudy and we thought we might get rain, but after a quick snow squall, the sun came out and it was a lovely day. That is if you didn't have to be outside. It got colder and colder as they day went on. For dinner on Saturday, I baked chicken in bbq sauce, and when the chicken was done, I removed it and placed buttermilk biscuits to bake in the same pan with the juices from the chicken and the bbq sauce. I topped the biscuits with shredded cheddar cheese. Delicious! I served green beans with it. It's one of Kyle's favorite meals!

On Sunday, we had church then Tim and I went to lunch with Nate and Kay. When we got back, all the girls went home, and we had a very quiet afternoon, and evening. Tim and I napped. I read, he read. He napped a bit more. (Grin)

Today we begin a new adventure. I'll be teaching Kamryn to finish out this year. We only have about 6 weeks to go to reach our 180 days. Kam has less, as they started their school year before we did started ours.

I hope you had good weekends, too. 

There is talk of food shortages, as farmers face higher prices for fuel and fertilizer. We are blessed to live in a farming community, with lots of produce stands. We still will grow our own tomatoes, and I grow strawberries, too. We used to do a big garden, with green beans, peppers, onions, lettuces, zucchini, yellow squash, lots of tomatoes. We know how to garden if needed. For now we will support local growers, and perhaps can some this year. I haven't canned food in years.

I mention this again, not out of fear, but I want to encourage you all to be prepared. I am not a prepper, but I do keep a pantry of extra things we use regularly. We use it and rotate new items into it. I only buy things we will eat. Otherwise it is a waste of time and money.


Vee said...

Sounds like a fun weekend, especially Sunday afternoon. I do love a nap day.

Now that I've discovered that I can eat Spam... There are many things I will not eat and
would have to be starving to eat. The way some preppers are sounding, we will be starving
soon. I have heard those lines before, but who knows what the future will bring?

Cold?! Good heavens is it! I thought nothing of beginning my spring window washing
this morning until my windows froze up. I had to take alcohol to the outsides to get them clear. Guess
I'll wait for a warmer day.

That mulch looks great!

Mrs.T said...

We keep a pretty full pantry also. These days we are paying closer attention to not running out of anything.

Skyjo is a fun game. We've enjoyed it with our grandkids.

I should say you do have a new adventure -- homeschooling Kamryn along with Kyle! Good thing you got a nap yesterday!

Cheryl said...

I've never played Skyjo, but it sounds like fun! Hope your first day with Kamryn went well! The school year is winding up. It seems like I just started our monthly book club for the year, and now the year is about over! And I have a grandchild graduating this year . . . yikes! Oh my goodness, it doesn't feel like the end of the school year right now with this cold weather. We had snow flurries here today too!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...