I started my blog in 2007 because I was finding encouragement online through other bloggers and wanted to be a part of it. My goal was to offer Hospitality, Encouragement and Friendship.
That is what I am going to focus on once again.
With Spring deciding to finally arrive, there is new growth everywhere here at Creekside Cottage.
I've been mowing on our property for several weeks now, and soon it will need the twice a week treatment! Tulips are blooming...
Rachel and Lindsay have both started seeds -
Three kinds of peppers...
This wee one is basil...
Rachel replanted the lavender as it didn't come up the first time. Every year we try new things and learn new things. I didn't grow up gardening. My Dad had a veggie garden a few years behind the garage but I was a little kid and wasn't involved in that. My mom usually grew some annuals, though we did have some Agapanthus's that attracted bees right by the front walk way, so I hated those things.
It was after I married, that I was inspired through reading Victoria Magazine, and Emilie Barnes. I discovered that the desire inside of me to create and enjoy beauty was God given and through Edith Schaeffer I learned that He was okay with me using my creativity, in fact wanted me to use it!
I've taught my girls these lessons too, and I see growth in them, and the desire to beautify their surroundings. For each girl this looks different - for one it is sketches she has drawn, or photographs she has taken. For another it is a gathering of things that are loved. It doesn't matter. One style is not more correct than another.
This verse has been on my mind this morning -
2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.