Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I'm Here...

I did not intend to take a four day break from posting but that's what happened.

Several factors were in play:

1. When I sat down to post - everything I had thought of posting about completely left my mind.  

2.  The kids use my laptop for their math during the week. This would usually be the perfect time for me to blog. Also once they are done we are doing science or something.

3. Having spring like weather has lead to more outside time.  We put the cover on the gazebo on the deck, have been working on our garden.  

4. Tim is on day shift right now and that means that he is home in the evenings.  We kind of like doing stuff together, so I am trying to not have my nose in my laptop!

5. We are working at rearranging things for when my parents move in.  They will live in the Lindsay and Emma's room (which is the master suite) and the girls will move to the basement while the construction is happening.

So you see, I've been a bit distracted, but I miss you all.  I've been trying to visit you all at the very least!

Here are some photos from today....

      Early morning on the deck...

 Sadie likes to keep you company...

 Rachel has started some herb seeds.....she hopes to sell herbs and flowers this year.  She has started Lavender and Basil so far and also Sunflowers

I found these labels at Target.  You can put them in your ink jet printer, but I just wrote on these.  I may try playing with different font.

 Sarah and I are enjoying this  free app on my iPhone.  You can make your photos look like sketches.  She took this photo the other day.  

This evening we had dinner with my friend Amy and her kids.  It was impromptu and fun.  She brought yummy pound cake, strawberries and whipped cream.  

I have been riding my bike (stationary) everyday and find that I am looking forward to it.

So, that's about it...what have you been up to?


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Sadie looks like such a sweetie!

Sounds like a busy time in your life.

Vee said...

You're going to need a schedule to get it all in! Sounds as if life is going to get nice and busy for a bit. How fun to work in the garden!

Cheryl said...

Isn't that how it is sometimes with blogging? You either have lots to say...or nothing comes out of the brain! But it sounds like your life has been full of good things! Spring has sprung here in the Mid-Atlantic, hasn't it?

Bonnie said...

Wondered where you were...Keep up the good job on your bike....We have been enjoying the weather and outdoors too. Sonja and Asher got a bit pink.

Theresa said...

WOAH... I am tired after reading what you have been up to:) I miss blogging when I am away too but sometimes it is nice to just get away from the computer! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...