Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Gifted Dishes

I could easily be addicted to collecting dishes.  There are so many beautiful ones out there.  Thankfully this is one area I am able to practice some self control.

When they come as gifts, I have no guilt about new dishes, or at least new to me dishes.

These are Mikasa September Song.  All these dishes were found at the thrift store and gifted to me for Christmas by my son and his fiance'.
These will be perfect for lunches and tea parties.

  Both of these sets are more modern and come with a matching plate.  These are delightful for eating outside during the summer!  I love to use real dishes instead of paper or plastic.  Much more civilized.

I am enjoying a home keeping kind of day - decluttering my bedroom...but I keep being distracted by the sunshine and lovely breeze flowing through the windows.

What are you doing today?



Rebecca said...

I love your "no guilt" sets :)
I'm taking an inside break to fold some laundry after a few hours in the flower 4:00, we're going to a birthday party for a friend. I divided some hosta plants to "gift" him with.

Cheryl said...

Yes, lovely dishes, made more lovely by the fact that they were a gift from your loved ones! I, too, like to use real dishes outside...although when my guests include a lot of little ones, I opt for safety. (On the brick patio, a tumble on glass could be a problem!), baking for tomorrow, homemade pizza for dinner (made by Bekah and me)...and then the girls and I are going to a musical tonight! We're so excited! (Ron has opted to stay at home and watch "Gunsmoke" on Netflix.)

Theresa said...

Oh how lovely:) I too enjoy getting dishes and using them! I spent my day helping my Daughter pack up her house! Hard work but we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel:) Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...