Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Evening Fun - Updated!

Ginny requested the recipe for the Poppy Seed Chicken, so I'm adding the link here.  This is my kids top request for dinner!  Easy to make and delicious.

Here is our menu for the next few weeks.  We have 12 meals planned, knowing that Monday some of us are headed to Assateague for a field trip and that Lindsay and our friend Sarah have been cooking new foods.  Oh, also the second dish should read 'Spicy' not 'picy!'

You should see the grocery list that is required to feed this crew for two weeks!  

This is what was happening while I worked on this list...

  Phase 10, and apparently there was some sort of memo about green shirts, that some of us didn't get (Emma has one on too!)

Tim and I managed a dinner out with this guy...
Can I make a prayer request?  A young gal from our church, whom I have been helping to learn to drive, is taking her test tomorrow at 1:15! Please pray she passes!  


Ginny said...

Poppy seed chicken sounds good. Can you post the recipe, or provide a link?

Vee said...

I'd rather pray that she passes if the Lord thinks that she's ready for the highway. =D

Menu planning is the bane of my existence. What a wonderful job you've done! And God bless the man who provides so beautifully for his family!

Melissa G said...

You know when you post things like this, it makes me want to move to PA so we could join in on the games around your table. :) I'd even bring a green shirt!

Theresa said...

YUM... I will be trying this! I will pray for your friend:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

It looks like such fun around your table! I love Phase 10...and everyone looks so happy. (Even those who were not wearing green. ~wink~) to check out that poppy seed chicken recipe...

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I can imagine the grocery shopping you have to do!

Good luck to your friend with her test. I know how stressed out I was taking my test and I still don't like driving!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...