Friday, June 29, 2007

Main Course:
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
God Bless Your Home

God Bless Your Home
God bless your home
And all within,
The friends who come;
Your kith and kin;
Your shelt'ring roof,
Your homely fare,
Your place of rest,
Your toil and care.
Bless absent ones
And those you love,
And guard and guide
Them from above.
And grant that soon
Sweet peace will reign
In this and ev'ry land again.
This poem says alot. Our oldest one is going to be an absent one soon. He is moving out next week. We think this is good, on many levels, but our hearts are heavy, for reasons I won't go into. Pray for us as we all adjust to these changes, and for strengthened relationships and growth for us all.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Pray for Tina

Movie Reviews

Last night, we watched "Persuasion" by Jane Austen. This is an interesting movie. Anne Elliot has lost her true love because she followed the advice of a family friend, and rejected a marriage proposal. This was encouraged because the man had no fortune (at that time) and was a naval man. She spends the years in sadness and stops enjoying life. Her family, father and older sister at home, are wasters of the family fortune and yet think very highly of themselves and of improving their acquantances. They go to Bath, where their money will go further, and rent out their home to an Admiral and his wife, whose brother turns out to be the long lost love of Anne. Anne is left to close up the house and then goes to visit her married younger sister Mary. Mary is always negative about everything, feels slighted by everything and everyone etc...we find out later that Mary's in laws, had wanted Anne to marry their brother, but she refused him as well. This was also based on advice from the family friend. While visiting her sister, she meets up with her long lost love, who at first acts as if he hardly knows her, and won't speak with her. It must be said too, that everyone depends upon Anne, and tends to put upon her. When the group is visiting Lyme, an accident happens to one of Mary's sister in laws, and shortly after Anne goes on to Bath. It is assumed that Anne's long lost love, now Captain Frederick Wentworth, is going to marry the sister in law. While at Bath there is some intrigue, with a young Mr. Elliott, who wants to marry Anne for her father's title. But it is here in Bath that Captain Wentworth shows up and Anne finds out that the sister in law is going to marry a different man. This gives Anne hope, but when they are in each others' company, they are always interupted before they can speak what is on their hearts. They finally are able to let each other know that they still love one another, always have, and at a party Anne's family is giving, young Mr. Elliott is trying to get Anne to say she will marry him, when Captain Wentworth comes in and announces that he and Anne are going to marry. The last scene shows her on board her husbands ship. You feel very happy for them both.
I think I liked "Persuasion" better than Miss Potter. I liked that Anne showed an ability to grow, and improve, while still trying to honor her family. I felt like the Beatrix Potter character was determined to go her own way regardless of her family.
But I would recommend them both highly. I love these period movies where we in our modern culture view life through the lens of the culture and society of a different time.
Monday, June 25, 2007

Here at the cottage we are committed to hospitality. We do not practice it as we should, but we do enjoy it.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Friday's Feast

Main Course:
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
What do you think?
This hutch has water damage to the veneer on several places on the front, which is why I usually have this battenburg tablecloth draped over it, as shown in the second picture.

So what do you think?
Scenes from My Bedroom
One of my favorite spots in my cottage is my bedroom. This is where I go to read, sew, pile on the bed to watch movies with my girls, hang out with my hubby. This room used to be the master bedroom before the previous owners added on an enormous master suite. We had that room and our four girls were in this room with two sets of bunkbeds until we took mercy on them and gave them the huge bedroom.
This room has plenty of space for us and it could hold a much bigger bed, but we really like our bed, it is soooo comfortable, so we stay with this full size. The bedding is a Waverly pattern that I purchased at Target last year. It allows me to have a bit of floral with out being too "girlie" for my husband. The red sheets were purchased from KMart, a Martha Stewart set, and the dust ruffle I found at Wally World. The walls are not quite this color, it is a Dutch Boy color called "glazed tile".

This little set belonged to my Grandmother. It has 4 cups and luncheon plates that match. I don't know how long she owned it, I know that I used to play with them at her home when I was a young girl. She gave them to me years ago. I treasure them for the memories and that they were hers.
Many of the furniture items we have in our home were purchased at yard sales, or found free. A coat of paint does wonders for old items. It allows us to have the look we want and yet to live on one income. Besides is it so fun, to find something, see it's potential and make it work in our cottage.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Newsy Post

Monday, June 18, 2007
Happy Belated Father's Day!
I am so thankful for each of them. I love you.

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Saturday Fun
One is a desk I have. It is a dark brown stain and I would like to sand it and paint it a creamy white.
Also, I love all those neat signs you see everywhere, such as these:

so I thought I would try to paint some. It will be fun to try out, as long as Kyle co-operates!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday's Feast

Create a new name for a deodorant: Cottage Garden
What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer? Stop Motion software for my daughters' movie making program.
If you were to receive a superlative award today beginning with the words ”Most likely to…”, what would the rest of the phrase say? be grocery shopping! But would rather read or blog!
What two colors do you like to wear together? This summer denim and bright colors.
Summer Reading
First off I have to say that I am the kind of person who has several books going at one time. Different kinds of books; fiction, education, women's topics. Also I read books that I intend to have my older kids read that deal with life issues, such as dating, purity etc...
So here is my summer reading list.
Books I have read:
The Firstborn Series by Karen Kingsbury
Fame, Forgiven, Found, Family, Forever (Just finishing)
Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson
Books I intend to read:
Finish reread of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Sunrise by Karen Kingsbury
Parenting from the Heart by Marilyn Boyer
Beautiful in God's Eyes by Elizabeth George
Books to read with my girls:
The Divine Dance by Shannon Kubiak Primicerio
Before you Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Malley
We also take weekly trips to the library, so anything that catches my eye will be read as well. And many books to my almost 5 year old and my almost 2 year old!
I would love to hear about what you are reading and what you like or don't like about it, how it has challenged your thinking etc...
Pick up a book and read!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Longwood Gardens
Here is a beautiful gazebo by a pond.

While there, a huge thunderstorm kicked up and we had to hurry to the conservatory. This is a photo of two different kinds of orchids, in the orchid room.
This is the Century plant. This is located in the silver garden. It has all desert plants, in silver, grey and white hues. This plant was normal size in May, then the flower "bud" took off! It has grown so large that they had to take a glass panel out of the ceiling. This is it in flower.
Here is a picture of the younger children enjoying what Sarah called the "beaver house". This is a structure in the vegetable garden. This will be covered with vines this summer.
I will post more about our day there, soon. I have company coming this morning, a friend I haven't spent time with in a long time!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Off to Longwood Gardens
Here is a link to their website: www.longwoodgardens.org
I will post pictures of our time there.
Garden Delights
These are a small white daisy flower. They grow with fern like leaves. They were given to me by friends, and I am thinking that they are a wildflower, as I have some near our horse pasture, and I didn't plant them! They are sweet though, and bloom for a long time. They are great to cut and use in arrangements or by themselves in a canning jar.

Here is a bit of lavendar that I transplanted. It was being overgrown in its' previous spot. I love the scent!
I bought these daylilies last year for $1.00 a plant at an Amish store! They have grown so well. This one is by my deck stairs and my pink climbing rose.
Here is my pink climbing rose. You can see the various stages of the roses. I definately need to deadhead! This rose just keeps blooming and blooming! It is covered with buds!
I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my garden. Soon the purple coneflower and black-eyed susans and my shasta daisies will be blooming. Oh, my butterfly bushes as well!!! I love summer!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Redecorating the Blog
I love this one, she used a picture I sent her and she also used words from my very first post of what I wanted my blog to be about.
What do you think?
Chloe and Charlie
Kittens anyone?

My Old Ladder

Saturday, June 9, 2007
Strawberry Jam

Where has the week gone?
Tomorrow I am going to a brunch group with our church ladies. We signed up to go and bring something, I am bringing orange juice. Then we meet at the church and the gal in charge tells us whose home we are going to! It is going to be so much fun! I think we have 3 groups. I don't know who will be in my group, but I know we will all enjoy it!
We went swimming after dinner at "Camp Geezer". That is what my dad calls their place. They have the swimming pool, big screen tv etc...A few years ago we even came up with a theme song. I will have to see if I still remember it and write it out for you. Our little guys loved the water! Not a bit afraid. We use real life vests for our non-swimmers. It allows them to float and to use their arms normally! Afterwards he climbed the pool stairs and took a tumble down them! It was a panic moment for us! But other than some scrapes, he was just fine!
I popped into a tea shop today. It was lovely. They have a bit of a store too. It is run by lovely, friendly british women. They were getting ready for a group to come. One lovely woman talked tea with Emily and I for a while and then gave her some british candies. In the C.S. Lewis book "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", Edmund asks the White Witch for some Turkish Delight. Well, let me tell you, it is yucky stuff. Sort of like gummy bear in the middle with powdered sugar....the dear woman at the tea shop said that they say that Turkish Delight is for older people, "cause its easy on the teeth." ha ha ha. The chocolate flake is good, and the Maltesies too.
Ok, I guess I should sign off for now. Can you tell I am tired?
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Happy Wednesday!
We planted sunflower seeds by our propane tank, we set up the tent to clean it out, I push mowed along our creek.
We still need to go to the library and to an Amish hardware store for pasture seed.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Monday, June 4, 2007
Red Work Stitchery
I like the way it turned out. I think I want to cut it out and make it into a smaller decorative pillow.

Peonies and Tea Cups
This pattern is special to me. This is the wedding china pattern of a dear friends mother. We used to all have tea together, not with this china, but at Cracker Barrel on Sunday nights. Pauleen, Brenda, Donna and I would go out without our young children, or husbands, and drink tea (Darjeeling) and eat chocolate cobbler. I always loved Donna's wedding china and the girls and I would tease over who would "inherit" her china.
So when I found this pattern on the tea cup and tea pot, I treated myself. It brings back special memories, of these lovely women and their friendship to me.

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Returning Home
I will try to post some photos this week of his trip.
Oh, last night I tried my hand a redwork embroidery while my girls and I were watching the new version of Pride and Prejudice. It turned out so nice. I will post a picture soon!
I love learning new things.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Birthday Party Pictures
She is horse crazy, naturally, so she had a horse theme party.

They got a chance to ride Sandy, our horse.
Here is the birthday girl with her friend Amanda.
Birthday happiness!
We are thankful to God for His wonderful gift!
Information Friday
A week ago on Thursday, we celebrated my granddaughter Kennedy's birthday, and the next morning we were on the road to go visit my dau...

Sunday was Charter Day here in Pennsylvania. We celebrate the king giving William Penn's father the charter for this land, by opening a...
Today is Melissa's due date -she is in labor and she and Geoff were headed to the birthing center to have the baby! I know she will co...