Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I am pleased to announce that after 18 months at least, I have finally rearranged the living room!  

Please, please, no applause - just throw money, as my big brother used to say!

We moved the TV and cabinet to the other side of the room and then moved the couch to the wall where the tv had been.  This allows for a change but a still workable floor plan.

The other arrangement worked very well that is why it stayed so long!  I am a believer in rearranging furniture!

Here are a few looks at the changes - 

Did you notice this funny little chair?  Well, it was purchased for my brother in Mexico, over 50 years ago and became a chair for the "kids" as my younger brother and I came along.  I painted it to match room decor in my girls room about 20 years ago.  I can't believe this chair has held up for so long!

So what do you think about the rearrangement?



Debbie said...

I like it, especially from the angle in the third picture down. And my eyes went immediately to that chair. I think that's a treasure.

(And my big brother used to say, "No applause, just money" too. How cool is that?

Theresa said...

I love that little chair and your changes:) I am stuck with my family room the way it is! I love windows but it limits the way I can arrange my furniture! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Rebecca said...

It looks good to me - and if it suits your family, that's what REALLY counts :)

I like the child's chair, too. We have one pulled up to the coffee table, too.

Amy said...

It's even better in person! I LOVE it! Really opens up your room. Can't wait to see it all after all of the remodeling! Wahoo! It will be fun to watch your "new" home unfold!

Love your cottage...and all the people in it!

Amy said...

I like it in person even more! Really opens up your room. Can't wait to see your living room transform even more after the remodeling! Fun!

I love your cottage...and all the people who live in it!

jean said...

The room looks great this way. Neat and clean, too. Love the little chair. Very cute!

Cheryl said...

I LOVE it! It makes your room look bigger, I think...and yet, still cozy. (Where is your piano? It was on the wall where the TV and cabinet are it still there?) You are the rearranging queen! :)

Vee said...

Sweet little chair! It looks fine to me! If you don't have to enter the room sideways, you're doing much better than I am with my new arrangement.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I think it looks great!

Anonymous said...

Oh fun! Rob should have that chair for his grandson's!!

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