Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 4, 2022

Good News Friday


Most of this post is going to be 'Interesting News Friday' but I'm starting with some good news!

Senate votes to end Covid-19 emergency declaration, Biden threatens veto

“The robust powers this emergency declaration provides the federal government are no longer necessary and Congress must debate, and ultimately repeal them, in order to begin the process of unwinding the powers the government took hold of during the peak of the crisis,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) said. | Sarah Silbiger-Pool/Getty Images

You can read more about this {here}.

Now for the interesting news.

The jab really do change your dna.

There are eight or nine pages of Adverse Events of Special Interest from the jab. This is different than 'regular' adverse events. Here is page one.

This is very concerning!

The government has given us instructions about how to handle being in a fallout shelter with strangers, in case of a nuclear explosion.

I agree with this!

This is how I am dealing with everything.

I pray this for all of you!

I hope you fill your weekend with goodness. See your grands, visit with your parents, have lunch with your kids. Take a walk, sit in the sunshine, plan your gardens. Walk in Hope, and remember Hope is a person.


Vee said...

What's left to be said but "Amen"?

Sue said...

When I finished reading this post, I gave a big "sigh", and an offering of thanksgiving for you for keeping everyone informed, and for guiding all to God's Word where we find Hope, Peace in the midst of storms,most of all God's love and comfort!.
Thank you for caring and for sharing.
Have you ever considered running for public office, I would gladly help in your campaign!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

"Practice social distancing in a nuclear bomb shelter. plus mask."

Think my mind just exploded!!!!!!!!




Terra said...

You rounded up so much good information to share with us here. MSM will not report most of this so we need to look for it. Thank you, and also for the prayers and Scripture.

A Joyful Cottage said...

I must say that in the midst of all that concerns us in your post, I DO have peace. I am not living in fear, and am trusting God with my future. When I made the decision to receive the vaccine, I did have doubts about what it could mean to my health long term. However, there were circumstances that pushed me toward that decision and my final prayer was "Father, my life is in your hands, and if you choose to allow this to affect my health, then I rest in the knowledge that you will give me strength to live with it." I am not anti-vax, nor am I against people choosing not to get "the jab". I am against mandates and shaming, and all the other ridiculous things that have come from this pandemic. Governor Polis recently lifted all mask mandates here in Colorado, saying, "We all have to learn to live with Covid." It's pure politics because he's up for re-election. Take care, my friend. xx

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