Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 7, 2017

Cottage Garden In July

 We had some rain today, and may have a bit of stormy weather overnight.  The garden really appreciates it, and is thriving.

This hydrangea is so beautiful this year.

Aren't they lovely?

What are your plans for the weekend?  

Time is flying by this summer and in a few weeks the girls and I will be winging our way west for my nephews wedding! I'm so excited about traveling with my girls and then having all my girls together for the week!  Its going to be a fun time.  We are staying with a precious friend at her home!  She and her husband have invited us to stay with them since they live very close to where the wedding is going to take place!  Such a generous offer.  I can't wait to hug this friend, tight!


Cheryl said...

Your garden is looking beautiful and happy!

Such a generous offer from your friend! You are sure to have some good times on this trip!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Deanna, your cottage garden is stunning! Where is your hydrangea located? Full sun? Part shade? I bought one to plant this year and I want to plant it in the best spot possible. Our summers are dry and hot . . . at least this year that's the case. It's been high 90's all week and no end in sight for a couple more weeks. No rain. I have to water frequently. I do so love hydrangeas. xo

Linda said...

Such beauty in your garden!!
West?? How far west??

Elizabethd said...

That;s a real cottage garden, lots of colour and many different plants. Echinacea is so lovely, I forgot to plant any this year. My hydrangeas are doing well too, but then it is practically the ;national' flower of Cornwall!

podso said...

Your garden looks beautiful! And so many blooms on your hydrangea! Half of the fun of an event like the one coming for you all is the anticipation. Enjoy!

Vee said...

Poof...up in smoke went the first and second comment. You can imagine by now what I said as you've read so many! LOL

Estelle's said... have the most beautiful amazing green thumb...gorgeous.

Samuel & Lois said...

Our family just came back from Berks County where my parents live...were there for a family reunion over the 4th. Anyway, I can attest to the fact that the hydrangea are gorgeous up there!! I was awed. Everywhere I looked were these beautiful, healthy plants. Made me a bit envious. :-)

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

What a beautiful garden!!!!

Heather said...

Your garden is beautiful!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm not a fan of flying, but other than that we are going to have some good times!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I emailed you more details but it is on the Northwest side of the house and gets 5+ hours of sun a day. Hydrangea love water, so make sure you give it a nice good drink several times a week, if you're not getting rain!

I adore hydrangea!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

California, which is where I'm from, though we'll be in central California and not So. Cal!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Oh how lucky you are to have it be such an important flower in Cornwall!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Love you Vee!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I've learned so much over the years,and I enjoy having flowers to cut and bring into the house!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Berks is a lovely area!

I don't know where you live but, yes, the hydrangea are thriving this year for sure!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you Chrissy! You're so kind!

Rhonda said...

What a beautiful garden! What are the beautiful purple flowers? My mom has some that were given to her and she can't remember what they are called!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Rhonda, the purple are Larkspur! Rachel had a packet of seeds and flung them around the garden about three years ago. They self seed now and there are several colors, including a pale pink.

Rhonda said...

Larkspur - a perfect name for them! Mom thought they were all supposed to be dark purple but some of hers have bloomed pale pink also. I'll have to tell her that there are different colors. She thought it might be her soil causing them to not be purple. They are certainly beautiful! And thank you for answering my question :) Hope you have a great day! said...

Lovely garden, yes, the rain has come at the right time. I've only had to hand water the porch plants.

Kim said...

Your garden is outstanding!!

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