Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Catching Up

I feel like I rarely post anymore.  It's not really true but I so miss doing a daily post!

That said, I thought I would share some photos and catch up with you all.

There is so much going on this summer.  Usually we have very laid back weeks, but this summer feels like a marathon.  There has been fun times along with the challenging ones, and I am grateful for both.  It is a blessing to come alongside friends and help share their burdens.

Yesterday Rachel and I made up a tea basket with scones, cream, Orange Irish Marmalade, mugs, a variety of teas, and took them to the Hospitality Lane folks at the hospital.  We figured they needed something other than hospital food, and what's better than tea and scones?

My friend Jen and I are taking my mom and our girls out on a shopping trip today.  Our friends and my mom have never been to Charming Charlie's or Anthropologie.  We may even stop at Terrain!  What a great day it's going to be - oh and I may need a stop at Trader Joe's!

We have just under 7 weeks until Nate and Kay's wedding!  We did some shopping for that yesterday too.  Here is a sneak peek at what Kamryn will be wearing.
She's the flower girl!

We will be starting school in about two weeks, and Tim will be officially full time in his own business on the same day, August 3rd!  I'll share the story of how this came about so quickly another day.  It's so exciting!

 We took Tim's mom to see Joseph at Sight and Sound when she was here.  She loved it.

 We've been enjoying the pool at Camp Geezer.  It's been HOT here!

 I love these sunny Rudbekia.  They are a summer staple at Creekside Cottage.

 The garden is starting to produce!  Our first tomato and pepper!

 I'm growing cantaloupe this summer!  They are doing really well!  This is very exciting!

We're eating delicious food this summer, too!

 Rachel's belated birthday gift for my mom.  She made it out of pallets.  I did the hand lettering, but she painted everything and built the sign.  I'll try to get a photo of the finished product!  My mom was so surprised!

 I love my girl...

 Slimming down...

Feeling contentment.

In thinking about this summer I am reminded of Psalm 37:23 - 
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way."

 How is your summer going?


Vee said...

Kamryn's dress is so pretty. She looks adorable. Oh wonderful idea to take scones and tea in support of the Hospitality Lane crew. The photos of the pool in the shade look so cool. My summer has been very quiet. Very.

Sherry said...

you may not post *often* but boy when you do it's a humdinger. where do i begin? first, you're beautiful. next ... the food looks delish (seriously yUm), your grand daughter's dress is adorable, as is she ... the pool looks so refreshing (could use that about now!) .. Anthropologie & Trader Joe's YES .. and tea & scones to the hospital for refreshment? what a perfect blessing. :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

It's summer and we're all busy enjoying the outdoors and family outings, blogging will pick up when we have the time. :-)
Oh my, Kamryn looks like a little fairy princess in her flower girl dress. And you look pretty good, slimmed right down with that look of contentment on your face - well deserved.
Enjoy the bounty of your harvest.

Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a wonderful summer! Mine has been busy also! It is going by quickly! Enjoyed your photos!

Tim said...

Well, I'm having a great summer! Thanks for asking! Lots of fun with family and also travelling around the country.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

This summer is flying by! My garden is not doing well, neither are local crops. Just too much rain. You look BEAUTIFUL.

Cheryl said...

Our summer has been crazy-busy...but full of His wonderful gifts!! (Sounds like yours!!)

I continue to pray for your friends and their families. Even in the difficult circumstances, you can see God's hand!

Kamryn looks adorable...and you're looking good too, my friend!!

janice15 said...

Tea and Scones a wonderful thing to do.. I did that for my granddaughter who was had a leg operation from a bad burn she and her mommie loved it.. I'm lol not sure what my summer has been though we did get some swimming done last week at a local pool.. the kids all had a blast. My garden is just making tiny tomatoes.. but I have had zucchini which im loving.. we had some really hot days and it killed my new carrots and gr onion and radishes that had just came up.. I forgot to water thinking i was going to do it later.. Bad choice.. but everything else is doing good.. I love her little sweet dress she will look lovely.. have a blessed day.. with love Janice

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...