Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Grilled Chicken Salad

We love salads here at the Cottage and this one is a favorite.

It's so easy.  I grill chicken tenderloins (or I cook them on the stove), make up a salad of whatever you like or that you have on hand, voilà!  Dinner is served!

 Tonight I added red onion, home grown grape tomatoes, sweet peppers, cheddar cheese to the salad.

I sliced the chicken and put it on top of the salad and added my favorite thing about summer!

 But just a few, because they are high in natural sugar!

 Then I drizzled some of our homemade ranch dressing.
It was so good!  

Here is how I season my chicken - 

If I am grilling it I make a marinade of:

Red wine vinegar
mild tasting oil (I use mild tasting olive or coconut oil)
garlic powder
onion powder
chili powder

I just mix it up to taste.

If I cook it on the stove I put either oil in the pan or some butter
then I season it with the same ingredients as above though I usually don't add the oregano.

If you give it a try let me know how you like it.


podso said...

It looks delicious! Perfect for a summer evening.

Theresa said...

YUM! I just might have that for dinner:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Ooooo...i love a summer salad with fresh garden fresh (or orchard fresh!) ingredients! Can't beat it!

Vee said...

Sounds yummy to me!

Sherry said...

peaches in salad? yes please. :)

Sue said...

I love chicken salad, this looks like a winner, have never tried adding peaches, great idea,but will next time! I will book mark the dressing too, Thanks for sharing, hoping you are having a great week.

Tim said...

Oh, yum!!! I need some of that here in Nashville.

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