Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New Chicks

With the family growing the need for eggs goes up and our current hens can't possibly keep up with demand!  Lindsay and I placed an order for new chicks two weeks ago and they arrived yesterday.

We were away yesterday so when they arrived at the post office, Lindsay picked them up and settled them in.

 Here they are still in their box but their new home for the next month will be a kiddie pool with removable chicken wire on top so they are protected from predators.  It also makes it easy to fill their food and water and hold them.

This is Lindsay's favorite - a Speckled Sussex she's named Eleanor. The Speckled Sussex's are named after the Dashwood Sisters.  We have three Marans and they are named from the book Persuasion - Anne, Louisa and Henrietta.

This morning Rachel is in love with this Cochin named Violet.


Estelle's said...

So, so darling.....such little precious babies!

Cheryl said...

The chickens are wonderful and so are their names!!

Vee said...

Cunning little creatures! Hope that they'll be wonderful layers one day.

Sue said...

Now this is just what I love, baby chicks are so sweet we bought ours in April, and they are doing so well, Good luck with yours.
I have been raising chickens for so many years, I love to gather fresh eggs, daily and am sad when there is none!
Just heard on the news this week of a shortage due to a virus, and that egg priceswere going to soar. I looked at dh and smiled saying,"we have got to make sure ours are okay." We have trouble with predators around the farm!
Sounds like you all are having a great summer!

Lorrie said...

They are so cute and fluffy!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...