Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 15, 2015

Garden: A Glimpse In Mid-June

The garden is popping with color right now.

 This is my oldest rose and part of it was not in good shape after the last several winters.  We cut it back in a big way, removed the dead parts, and what is left is thriving.

 The poppies were a gift from a friend years ago.  They are a bright spot in the garden.

 It's steamy in the garden this morning.  I took these photos just a few minutes ago.  We had a huge thunderstorm last evening.
 I tossed the hollyhock seeds around the garden last year.  These black ones are the only ones that came up THIS year.  I've started to chase the chickens out of the garden when I see them in there.  They make a huge mess, and eat seeds, I'm certain.  

 Aren't they interesting?  Very unique color for my garden.  I do wish my pink and raspberry colored ones had grown. 

 In this photo you see Poppies, Lychnis, and Larkspur.

 The Black-Eye Susan along the walk way is going to bloom soon!

 The Echinacea is right at the garden entrance and is looking good!  The finches love these in the Autumn.

The Feverfew is plentiful and will grow in tight spaces.

How is your garden growing?


Cheryl said...

Beautiful, Deanna!! So many lovely, colorful blooms!
I have never seen black hollyhocks, but they do add some contrast to your garden. Fascinating!

Rebecca said...

Feverfew I have & our white roses are blooming beautifully. I SO like your black hollyhocks. Not sure I've ever seen that color before! I'm pretty sure our Echinacea won't be blooming for a while yet...but I do have some white daisy-type (not sure of their actual name)...

Vee said...

Not as well as yours! I think I need some feverfew...looks as if it would brighten dark corners.

Ginny said...

I always enjoy seeing pictures of your garden. I wish I could say mine are doing as well as yours, but between the harsh winter and all the rain we've had in the past 10 days, I've lost some plants. My two varieties of Black-Eyed Susans are doing poorly, which I'm very sad about, especially because they've done very well during the ten years since I planted them. Several of the annuals I purchased and/or started from seed died, too. I am happy to say that the weeds are prolific, LOL. We have 2 yards of mulch coming on Friday, so I hope the rain will stop long enough to get it spread. Of course we will have to weed first ...

podso said...

I love the poppies! What a bright spot. My garden growing? Or should we ask are the deer getting fed? :-)

Sue said...

With all this heat humidity my garden is not doing as well as I would like, your garden is flourishing. My herb garden is doing quite well, herbs like hot weather. ~smile~
Your Hollyhocks are very pretty and unusual.
I had to smile with the chicken story, My Dh is always running our chickens out of the flowers, Enjoy your week.

Anonymous said...

You have a very pretty garden. I am not much of a gardener but I did plant a few seeds that I hope will produce sunflowers and daisies.

Cranberry Morning said...

Oh my goodness, I love hollyhocks and delphiniums and poppies! I need to try them again. I've had no success with those three plants. Yours are beautiful. Hope you have a lovely day.

Melissa G said...

It looks so nice! I love all the color you have.

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