Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Home Keeping: Freshening Up

Remember my post about changing the bed linens?  You can read that here if you want.

In that post I talked about changing the comforter for a lightweight white quilt for spring/summer.  I am loving it.  Vee asked me if I was staying with my red and yellow, and I, of course said, "Yes!"  After all red is my signature color in my home.

You know what's coming, right?  I have been falling in love with another color for sometime.  I look good in this color and Tim looks even better in this color.  Any guesses?  Well, I won't keep in you suspense - it's Navy.  

I love this color, too.  I had been looking at navy things online, and dreaming of a wee change in my bedroom for the summer.  I recently became aware of an online bedding company called "Parachute."  They have great looking bedding and the home page greeted me with "Navy Is The New Neutral."  I kid you not!  

I was out shopping with Rachel last week and found just what I had been dreaming of.

 I found a sale and bought two pillow shams, two pillow cases, and a top sheet.  I tossed a red pillow on the bed, as the white one seemed small and lost.

 The shams have nice pattern on them.

I love the navy with the white.

Tim mentioned too, how the navy pulled the blue tones out of the painting that is over our bed.

So that is how I am lightening up my bedroom for summer.  Navy blue - it's a classic color and it looks great with my yellow walls and with the touches of red in my room.  

Its perfect, and both Tim and I are enjoying the change.  What about you?  Do you make changes for the warmer months?  How do you lighten up your rooms?


podso said...

Yes I am being drawn to blues and see it everywhere, even at clothing stores. Maybe it's the new black. I have a navy table cloth I love which looks great with my red and white transfer ware dishes. Enjoy the changes in your room!

Cheryl said...

It looks great, Deanna!! I think navy is a great color to add to your decorating palette! I agree with that idea about navy being a neutral. We have been adding a lot of navy to our living room since acquiring our sofa last fall. It is such a bold and yet restful color.

Sweet dreams in your beautiful, updated-for-summer bed!

Elizabeth said...

I like it !

Vee said...

Looks good! And it reminds me that I am always a day late and a dollar short...just booted that blue living room set out, for example. Enjoy the summery, patriotic vibe you have going!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The colours have pulled together nicely for a summery look. I am impressed with the comment from Tim about pulling the blue out of the painting, doubt my hubby would pick up on that.
I just had my quilt repaired which is in pink, black, white and a hint of lavender. It is my summer bedding and a plain slate blue matisse replaces it in the winter.
I also change my dishes for summer and winter - and now autumn with the set I won from a blog giveaway. Do you change yours up too?

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I change our quilt for a lighter bedspread on our bed. Otherwise most of the changes is to take accessories and put them in the drawers where they are stored until cold weather. I like a more streamlined look this time of year. Notice I said "more" streamlined. True minimalists would die laughing at me calling anything in our house "streamlined". ;)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...