Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Birthday Fun Continues

Rachel and Sarah spent the night at Joseph and Lindsay's last night and today they are off to Hershey Park!  

She had an amazing birthday.  Got to pick out her cello on Saturday, went to breakfast with Tim before church yesterday, and then she and I spent the afternoon together.  We came home to a cake and ice cream party with friends.  It was a beautiful day celebrating our girl.

In two week Kamryn will be FIVE!  Can you believe it?!  I want to show you what I bought for her.

 This is Princess Grace
and my mom bought her Princess Faith.

There is a book series on the virtues called "The Princess Parables."  A missionary friend of our family and another gal wrote these books and they have quite the product line to go with them.  The Princesses are all sisters, daughters of the KING.

Kamryn loves Princesses - what little girl doesn't? - and we thought this was the perfect opportunity to use Princesses to help reinforce lessons of virtue.

The dolls are bigger than Barbie dolls but hair quality is not quite the same.  They are a perfect doll for young girls, though.  My mom got Kamryn a book to go with her doll and I chose a sticker/activity book to go along with Princess Grace.  I know many of you have grand girlies and may want to check these out!

Tomorrow my brother, sister in law, niece in law and two adorable great nephews come to town!  They will be staying with my parents, but we'll be getting together for some fun times!  Kyle is so excited for boy cousins!  Kyle's boy cousins, Andrew, Ryan and Evan are all grown men.  Then his cousin Melissa has two boys in Alaska who are close in age to Kyle, his cousin Jill has a 3 year old son in California, and then these two little guys ages, 6 and 3 coming from California!  He will be very happy for the next few weeks!  One day it'd be awesome to have them all together!

Today I get to go get some free plants from a friend.  They are downsizing and also removing some flower beds at their home before they move.  I'm excited.  I love getting plants from friends!

If I'm scarce here it is only because I am off having fun. 


Anonymous said...

Sounds great. Have a nice time with all of them...

podso said...

The princess dolls are sweet! Have fun!

Sue said...

Wishing Rachel a belated Happy Birthday, sounds it was wonderful, enjoyed seeing the photos on your last post!
It also seems like your are going to be busy with family visiting, I always enjoy those special times making memories,though they are getting few and far between now!~smile~

Vee said...

Off having fun is a good thing. Love the dolls that teach virtues. Kamryn will, too, I'm sure. You'll have a happy house full soon!

Isn't it crazy how new homeowners don't want gardens? Realtors strongly suggest removing gardens! You will be the happy beneficiary. Still, I know that it's a lot of work.

Cheryl said...

I am glad you're having fun!! Summers are good for that!

Love the princess dolls and I'm sure that Kamryn will. I'd love to see her face when she sees them!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The princess dolls are adorable, especially when they represent life lessons.
Enjoy your new plants and family activities!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...