Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Morning at the Theater

This morning we went to the Historic Fulton Theater downtown to see "Fiddler on the Roof." It was a fantastic performance!
This theater does school group performances, and the tickets are just $7.00 per person. I am always impressed by the fact that the performances are just as good for "student" groups as for evening performances.
We saw "The King and I" a few years ago, which was also terrific. I enjoy getting the opportunity to expose my kids to good, clean theater.
This story is not a favorite of my husband as he doesn't like the fact that the father brings a communist into his home to teach his children, and then allows his daughter to marry him. Also the daughter who marries outside their faith. It seems as if the girls have been taught "tradition", but not a real heart relationship with God. It shows in Teyve's tone as well, that he doesn't really know God, just tradition.
I think though that the story allows for very good discussion with our own daughters, about honoring their father, having a right relationship with God, making choices to not give your heart to someone who is not honoring God.
This is my favorite kind of school day!


Alicia @ said...

I saw Fidler on the Roof a couple years ago and loved it also! 7 dollars is such a great deal!! Glad you all got to go!!

Becky K. said...

It does seem that all that went really enjoyed it.
It is a good discussions starter and can make you think about the things we do and why we do them.

Anonymous said...

I love this movie!! I think I know it by heart!! This was the last movie my Grandma Cypert went to. She couldn't see very well but she could enjoy the music!!

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