Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

If You Build An Addition - Garden Edition


Here is my charming cottage home.

It's about to become evening more charming with a garage and a wonderful new inlaw suite, and a moved kitchen. 

The thing that I am thinking through now that the house plans are settled, is my garden and entrance to my home. You see, the garage will come out to just about where the lamppost is located. It will be where the lamppost is, actually. 

So this means that the lamppost and my spirea must move. It also means that the front walk way will no longer be accessible, though there will be a pedestrian door from the garage that comes out into the space. Tim and I are also looking to have a poured concrete or paver sitting area in this space against the garage. 

I've tried to use paint to show you what I mean.

Where the P is would be where the patio would be located. The L is where the lamppost currently is. (The patio is likely out of scale)

The picket fencing? Not sure where that will go. 

We've talked about just moving the fencing forward and have it be on the outside of the new walkway. I think that will work, but we have a giant maple tree in the front yard and it might look odd if it is too close to the tree.

Whatever ends up happening out here, I am going to have to relocate some plants, at least through construction. So I am thinking through where to move them, and which ones will come back into this garden space. 

I also have peonies at the back of the house, that definitely need to move because the deck will end up where the peonies currently are located. 

We are removing some trees soon from along the creek (one thing leads to another) and I have been wanting to put some shrubs and flowering plants along the creek, so some of the peonies will likely end up there and maybe some hydrangea from the front garden. 

Are you still with me? It's a lot, I know. However, it will be great when it's all done, and will meet the needs for our multigenerational family living situation. All good things.


Vee said...

Not always with you, but I'm a picture girl. I see that you have a lot of work ahead with landscaping. Hope not you you because it will
take a strong back. My foot is still messed up from the damage I did years ago transplanting an azalea bush. 🥴 It is going to be fabulous inside and outside! So much to look forward to.

So Much Glory said...

We added a master suite/laundry/mudroom to our old farmhouse 3 years ago. It was so timely, as my mother had a stroke a few months after and because she was dying in quarantine in a nursing facility all by herself as we were not permitted to visit, we brought her to stay in the addition so we could see her again. My dad ended up moving here for a year as well, and Mom lived a year and a half here til she passed. Dad is now living independently, and he couldn't wait to get back to his own place! Independence is so important. Anyway, all this to say that God's timing is always perfect. Had we not put on the addition, Mom would have lost her family and her life, and we would have lost the possibility of any more time with her. And of course, as you know, PA was poorly managed through the covid situation, 'nuff said.
I ended up moving 8 hydrangeas in preparation for the addition, and they have thrived beautifully. It's always exciting to plan gardens/moving them. Gardening is a form of praise and worship for me as I work them and they evolve from year to year.

Kim said...

Love the title of your post...yup, one thing leads to another for sure. I know it's all going to be beautiful, even if it takes some time to get it all the way you want it.

Cheryl said...

So much to think about . . . but I am confident that you will plan something wonderful!

Lorrie said...

There are so many decisions to be made in renovating!

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting....I thank you for letting us be a part of the renovation of your home....what a project! But I'll bet you will all love the end results! Bravo!

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