Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 16, 2023


 Friday night we played Mexican Train after dinner.

Kamryn stayed the night, so it was my mom and dad, Tim, Kyle, Kamryn and me. Kyle won the most rounds. It was a lot of fun.

Saturday morning, as I was putting ice into my cup, my drink spilled into the freezer drawer! Ugh! That lead to emptying the whole thing, and while we were at it, Tim defrosted it.

It's very clean and tidy now, too.

Kyle burned a lot of our paper trash on Saturday, there is always extra cardboard, too, after Christmas. Tim worked on getting the old Suburban, that broke down when my parents were moving in, moved from the grass along the road in front of our house. It is now in the driveway. He wants to see exactly what is wrong with it, and if it is worth repairing considering its age, etc. It may end up being a decent vehicle for Kyle to haul the trailer with the mower on it for a few jobs he has lined up this year.

Sunday's are fun. We take all four of our grand girlies now. They have a lot of fun in there classes. Our church starts out with everyone together for worship. then partway through, they sing a few kid songs and then the kids all leave for Power Hour, which is what we call Sunday School. They are all memorizing a verse per month (they started this about 6 months ago) and Klaire and Kamryn both have all of them memorized! I review them with them on days we do school. 

I hope they grow up with great memories of us taking them to church, and that it will be impactful in their lives. Jesus is the source of our hope, love, and strength and I hope they learn this for themselves, too.

The days are getting noticeably longer, and our weather remains fairly mild for January.

With our addition plans moving along, I realized that I am going to have to have a plan in place for a lot of my plants in the front garden.

Since we've owned this home, our family and friends all come in and go out from the kitchen door. With the addition, that door will now lead to the laundry room and how to the garage.

Our guests will now come through the front door, but that area will need to be reconfigured as the garage will extend about 10 feet in front of the house. That means the walkway to the front door will be taken out and redone to come from a different spot on the driveway. My lamppost will be moving, the front steps redone, too.

That means the garden will change and many of my plants are going to have to be moved, and then some will be brought back to the front garden. It is a chance to rethink what we want out front, and I'll talk a bit about that tomorrow.

I'll leave you with a few photos. Tim took this one of a sunrise this week, 

and this one I took last night. 

I hope your weekend was a good one, too!


Vee said...

So many things to consider with the new addition. You'll figure everything out. Love the grandgirlies needing both to be in Grandpa's arms. ☺️

Linda said...

I love your life!!

Cheryl said...

I think the girls will have such sweet memories of you and Tim taking them to church with you. I pray that the Word will take root in their hearts!

So you got a very clean freezer the hard way. Sigh . . . well, at least you made lemonade out of those lemons. One thing always leads to another (or a bunch of others) when house projects are involved. Lots to think about and lots to plan, but it will all be worth it to have a functional, multi-generational home!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...