Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 30, 2023



Happy Birthday to this wee girlie! She's two today! We'll all be celebrating later with pizza and birthday cake!

On Friday, Kyle and I, and our friends Jennifer and her son Daniel went to a seminar for students helping them think through potential careers. The idea is finding out what your passions/and or natural skill sets are and how to turn them into your life's work.

Then we stopped by the grocery store, then home. Jen and I visited for a while, then Tim came home. Around the time that Jen needed to leave, Tim took Kyle and Daniel to a co-op bowling event.

That gave me some down time for the late afternoon, and when they returned, they decided to bowl on the wii. Daniel's dad Mike came to pick him up and hang out with Tim, so they ended up bowling, too.

They played 100 pin.

Daniel picking up his spare!

On Saturday Tim had two jobs, and Kyle worked with him at the second one. I puttered here at home. I was glad to have some time to listen to my audiobook while I puttered.

I really enjoy this series of books by Stephanie Barron.

Yesterday, was a quiet Sunday. The girls went home after church, and we grilled hamburgers. Then Tim, Kyle, my mom and I bowled on the wii for a bit. We played 100 pin and then two games of regular. Later Tim and I both napped. 

I was ready for a quiet weekend. Last week was very busy.

How was your weekend? Blogland has gotten very quiet. It's always been such a great place to connect and enjoy life together. I miss those old days!


Buttercup said...

Blogland is quieter these days, but grateful for my blog buddies who keep blogging. I had a nice weekend and enjoyed lots of walking and the NYC Travel show. Here's to a good week!

Vee said...

I miss them, too. trying to get a post ready for January, but the truth is it might not happen.

Nothing is more delightful than a Sunday afternoon nap. I didn't have one, but I did have a Friday afternoon nap.
Oh any old day is a good one for a snooze.

Have a happy week!

Cheryl said...

Our weekend was certainly not quiet, but it was busy and happy with our guests here! It was so good to have them here! They left this morning . . . and this afternoon I slept for an hour and a half! What?!

Blogland is quiet lately. Fewer people blog and there are other social media forums that vie for our time. It's hard for a slow/busy person to keep up sometimes. But I plan to continue to blogging at my slow pace . . .

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...