Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 20, 2023

Information Friday


We've had quite a bit of rain lately, but the sky was so beautiful the other evening.

It's been like a whirlwind lately with information pouring out of so many places. I'm going to try to share bits of it with you, and not a lot of commentary, so it'll be quicker for you to go through in information. 

Remember you can always ask me questions, but if you want me to reply directly to you, I'll need an email address. Also, blogger doesn't allow me to sign in to some blogs with my google account, so I have to comment as anonymous. I can tell that is happening with some of you, but if you don't add your name at the end of the comment I don't know who you are! I've done it a time or two myself.

Now, onward and upward!

Fox News is pushing this view. I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate. But the news is not looking good for Joe. Problem is, when Joe goes, incomes Kamala as president.

Dems always use fear. If we don't raise the debt ceiling Americans will see just how our government works. That's what they don't want you to see!

She's also been in talks with Black Rock and may join them. Black Rock made lots of money off of her over the top lockdowns of New Zealanders. Looks like she might be getting paid back for that. Let's see what happens.

There is more I could share, but I'll leave you with this. This woman is, as she states, "an activist teacher." She's terrified of her gas stove now.

Friends, the tide is turning. In a war, battles rage, and victories are won, and some battles are lost. In the Revolutionary War, the British won more battles than we did. However, we won strategic battles and beat them to gain our independence. 

These battles are information based. It's about awakening the masses to the truth. Once the truth is seen, the battles are over. They can no longer hide their wrong doing.

Be encouraged. 

Have a great weekend.


Debby said...

We’re 20 days into a new year and it’s still the same circus. Thank you for boldly sharing what needs to be. God bless.

Vee said...

So much wrong doing—literally killing their own. Hideous, wretched people.

Mrs.T said...

Deanna, thank you for the encouragement. It does indeed seem that the tide is turning. An answer to my prayers and those of many others.

Linda said...

Thank you...dirty deeds will not go unpunished.

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  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...