Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 9, 2023


 We had a happy weekend.

On Friday, I went for another chiropractic treatment, and then went grocery shopping. Kyle is still getting his hours in for his driver's license so he chauffeured me around. He's doing very well with his driving.

This little dude is Kyle. This is what he looked like when I started blogging in 2007! In those days he riding around on his hand me down bike!

I was having a hard day with pain, but later in the afternoon, Sarah and I decided to go to lunch together, so we called and got a table at our favorite tea place. We both had their quiche and salad which is amazing. We each had a pot of tea and a scone as well. I love being friends with my kids. I learn so much from them.

Friday night Rachel and I went to our Jude Bible study. The book of Jude is 25 verses long but it is full of good insights and encouragements for the believer. 

Saturday was a quiet and free day for me. My pain was better and I've been moving well this weekend. Tim and Kyle went to help Wes take a tree down on a property that he and Rachel own. It was a dead tree and leaning over the neighboring property. We have a lot of nice firewood now, too!

Later Rachel and Tim went to Costco, and Rachel picked something up that she bought from FB marketplace. Tim had to pick something up at Lowe's, so it was a nice outing for them both. Actually, it's becoming semi regular. Like I said, "it's nice being friends with your kids!"

Sunday morning Sarah left to go back to school. There is another girl at school whose family lives about 10 minutes from our home, so she rides with Sarah on school breaks. They got back to school safely.

After church, Tim and I picked up our brother and sister in law and drove them to Newark Liberty airport. They were flying back to Senegal by way of Brussels. They'll be back in May.

                                                             Tim helping unload bags to check.

                                                           Dan loading the bags onto the cart.

We found out this week, that our niece and her husband are having their first baby! It's very exciting. Our niece is 40, and she has been married a year and a half.  Dan and Sharon are the grandparents to be! They are thrilled!

I took a video of the NYC skyline as we headed out of the airport. It's not great with the barbed wire fencing and buildings, but you can see it!

The Newark Liberty airport is 2 1/2 hours from home, so when we arrived home we chatted with Kyle, then we all watched the latest episode of The Chosen.

It was a family filled weekend, but really that's how our lives are ordered. We live multigenerationally already with my parents here, and with me teaching my grandgirls, sometimes we have four generations in the house! My local married kids are in and out of the house some weeks. We are happy to see them. And if they happen to stop in when we are having dinner, they are always invited to pull up a chair and eat with us.

Today, we'll see our friend Denny. He's away a lot as he drives a truck, and Monday's are generally the day we see him. He brings his laundry, as we invited him to do years ago, and we get time to visit and share a meal. My mom is cooking tonight. Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls. So tasty and one of Denny's favorites!

We'll friends, I must go. We are back to school today. I hope your weekends were full of good things. Remember we can have joy in spite of our circumstances, and you are loved!


Cheryl said...

That photo of tiny Kyle . . .adorable! Did you and Sarah go to the same tea room that you, Bekah, Maddie, and I visited? It was a lovely place. So glad you and Sarah were able to have a special outing before she left for college! It is wonderful to be friends with your children!

Anonymous said...

You are so welcoming to your friends and's a beautiful sight to see and read about...I love that your blog includes the word needed by so many....glad y'all had a good weekend! Hugs and blessings!

Vee said...

What a cutie Kyle was and is, but don't tell him I said so. I remember the little boy who wondered where my kids were and if I had brought Molly... An incredible lack of foresight on my part.

Oh I remember when my sister learned that she would be a grandmother after all—happy happy. It's a good feeling to know that the family
will go on.

Good to know that Sarah is safely back at school, though the place must feel empty without her.

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