Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 16, 2023

Information Friday


This is my tea setting from our visit to my favorite tea shop. Mom and I took Kamryn for her birthday. We wanted to do something to mark her special day.

What a week! 

Can you feel that the tides have turned? The DS are getting desperate. I was listening to Dave at the X22 Report last night {here}. Dave believes that this case is already falling apart against DJT, but he believes that they will try to get him in relation to Jan6. They want to try him in DC. He can't get a fair trial there, and they want him in jail. We'll see what happens, but as Dave says they are setting precedents about what can be done to top officials in the government.

This mans' lawyer has stated that the investigators offered him a judgeship if he could get his client Nauta to turn against Trump! This is criminal!

I've gotten several emails this week from people who believe the mainstream media. Carefully source your information. They are the mouthpiece of the DS and are afraid of DJT getting back into office. 

Also, I am not going to argue with anyone, or try to prove things one way or another. We will just see how things turn out. There will still be, I believe, an attack on Taiwan by China, and also perhaps a nuclear attack. The narrative is being set for a cyber attack, potentially leading to a shut down of the internet for the good of everyone.

Let's see what happens.


Deanna said...

Deanna, you go to a great deal of work for your Information Fridays. I watched President Trump enter the restaurant after the arraignment. So many love him. Did you catch the part where Pres. Trump went to the Miami Cuban Restaurant Versailles after the arraignment and told everybody, "Food for everyone!" then left the restaurant where he didn't pay for their meals? Of course he didn't actually say I will pay for your meal, did he? He is known to stiff people. Doesn't matter does it. It should.

Deanna Rabe said...

I've never heard that about him before. Where did you hear that?

Deanna said...

Morning, Deanna. Food for everyone! can be found by googling Trump food for everyone.

Home Keeping

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