Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 19, 2023


We had a productive weekend. 

With the addition starting there were some Black (swamp) Willows along our creek that needed to come down. There was also a leaning maple tree, and a small walnut tree. Tim started in the morning taking the trees down. He'd figure out where to cut to get it to fall in the right place and then down it came. He then would cut the tree in half, and then attached hauling straps to a portion of the tree and haul it back near the burn pile. He did about 4 trees, before Nate and Kyle were able to help him. They did 6 or 7 total with a lot of branch clean up needed.

Now we no longer need to worry about these big trees (that were growing out of old stumps and were weak) falling on the addition.

The video shows a tree coming down.

Nate had his girls help with the branches.

Tim said it was great working with our sons. He said the young man energy is incredible! {grin}

After church yesterday, we honored our dads with a great meal. Steak, sweet corn on the cob, macaroni salad, baked beans, rolls, and watermelon.

Then a few of us headed out to see a local theater production of The Sound of Music. It was good. It was also interesting because it is the stage production of the show, the one that had been on Broadway and I didn't realize there were different songs between the movie and the theater production.

For example there are two songs that are sung by Max and Elsa, and one that includes Georg. Who knew?!

And when Maria and Georg speak to each other about being in love, I expected to hear "I Must Have Done Something Good." Instead it was a song called "An Ordinary Couple." That was disappointing.

The cast did well, and especially the children. 

Tim and I spent part of our evening speaking of the addition, and also the health challenges of several people who are dear to us. We are praying for these precious ones. God knows and he hears us, and he is with our dear ones and with us.

Psalm 139:16 tells us, 

                 "Your eyes saw my unformed body;

      all the days ordained for me were written in your book

                      before one of them came to be."

Our lives are in his hands. Our circumstances have not taken him by surprise. We can trust him.

I pray you know Jesus. God's way of salvation for us all. 

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